# 4 Virtual Realities: Imagination to Reality Use

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(c)  Terry Floyd Johnson, 2017  ( Zoua; the OutRyder )


The Human race has come up with new techniques of utilizing 3D processing to create artificial objects with real time applications.

It is both a wonder and a danger, for the more you can do- the more you want to explore, find and do, to bring what seems to be a better life. However, everything has a doubled edge, and this is where medical and coding crosshairs, with each other.

Medical research looks to create a clone, which is fully functional, and capable of allowing a human to feel totally at home with an artificial body. They want to be able to extend life to many body creations, so no one has to die, or at least not for millenias.

Is this something that’s going to be good for the human race? We have our answer in ET races, who have done both clones and artificial enhanced bodies. They have lost thier sense of aliveness, and have centered their being on logical interfaces, and logigates, which allow them to do many things, among which is psychic powers, that help them with their work and building of their societies, within a very strict and demanding code of conduct, created by logic and limited sense of being alive.

Many have come to realize that virtual reality bodies, isn’t the best way, so they created clones and went back into living flesh, but with alterrana logigates, which enhances their physical and mental ability, to live, within the specially made body for them.

The ETs, especially the grays, and the Nordics, use these logigates, in networks within the total body they’re using. Their ability to live, to breathe, to be, rests within the logigates enhancements, which allow them to travel in space, time, and in here and now mathamages interfaces.

The ETs, now, use cloning technology, and logigates networks, within the body, to give them powers, strength, talent to do whatever they wish, but as time goes on and more robotic they become, the mental need for feelings, life, and caring and loving one another, brings them into psychological patterning, which shows they’re less and less involved in full living.

They simply grow cold toward anything outside of technology and mathematician work; they start running their lives, with cold effiency, and lukewarm interest in what is beyond their level of being able to feel alive,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             within clone bodies, and are basically androids, by their using of the logigates.

They both want and abhor life, in all of its glory, so before the human race decides to go the route of virtual reality body making, with build in logigates, and over all mechanical/electrical/etc., of those, which keep them going and alive, we look and see if it truly is the best route for us.

May the Microcosmic Force be with you, here and now!


# 3 Virtual Realities Creative Scenarios/ UFO 3

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(c) Terry Floyd Johnson, 2017  ( Zoua;  the OutRyder )


ETs, who kidnap humans and other primitives ( their term, of dislike ), utilize virtual realities, sex machines, sex scenarios, free areas, where sex is allowed between anyone who wants to, not only coupling, but gang sex, among the husband and wives of the Primitives; if you have sex with someone, they automatically become your husband or wife. This occurred, mainly, at the request of women, so they didn’t feel like whores, sluts, etc., but in this case the males, were made to be feel like whores and sluts as well, so they all got together, and created the Extended Family Networks.

Along with pure sex machines, there are vr machines, where the observer, uses his bodymind within the vr scenarios, but his/her actual bodymind, is indeed having sex with a man or a woman.

ETs see Primitives, including humans, at top of the list, as animals, so they can have men have sex with men, women with women, children with children, and men/women having sex with children.

Along with the purely sexual reason, for having humans and other primitives experience this- it’s also psychological, sociological, political, rebellion, and so on, they study, as the Primitive lives a new life, within the virtual reality scenarios.

It’s here, where they placed in all primitives, a rhythm lock, which means a huge space within the primitives mind, bodymind, where they can place virtual reality programs, scenes, stories, and a huge aspect of it, to be a department, or area of the Great Library.

It’s here- where they set up vr scenes, so the primitive has to play it to win, and doing so, can come up with answers, of how to win a skirmish, or a total war to take over planets.

However, at the same time, networks of primitives, are placed in a room, and a vr scenario is presented to them, which they’re active participants, and have to figure out strategy to stay alive or they die.

Third, a network of aware, but telepathically controlled, primitives, are placed in a room, and a vr figure character, is placed at the head, to explain the problem, and asks for suggestions, how these problems can be bypassed, destroyed or transform, by the primitive defuse of its programming, etc..

Sonic vibrations, are used to make a hypnosis of a subject or subjects deep, and do, unquestionably; this is the hypnotic aspects/processes, which can be hypnotized, deeply, without any resentment, or battle over their freedom.

However, remember this, always, vr can only take you so far, your subjects, must be put into specific scenes, where it is real, and they see themselves firing, fighting in every form of fighting to win/kill/subject others.

Each game is planned out by master planners, and all of its real, subjects can actually die, and will be brought back, by ET futuristic instrumentation.

They do this on children, teens and young adults, to turn them into an ET character, which is placed on a character tree. This way, the ETs can call up the character, of anyone, at any time, and have them do the actual problem, by winning over the ETs targets.

What does all this mean….let me know your answers or knowledge!

May the Microcomsic Force be with you here and now!





Passing Tribute 1 Joie Jacomb

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(c) Terry Floyd Johnson, 2017  ( Zoua; the OutRyder )


It is with heavy heart, I announce the passing of a great woman: Joie Jacomb, artist, earth mother, livewire, etc.

She is/was one of my BFF; and she will be sorely miss.

Love you Joie!


Has someone passed, which you would like the Universe to know about, please send an email to auctionknight@gmail.com. and we will let everyone know about your loss.

# 1 Universe Movements

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(c)  Terry Floyd Johnson, 2017  ( Zoua; the OutRyder )


In the Universe, each star has its: Star King, Star Queen, Star Knight, Star Protector, Star Wanderer.

You say, you didn’t know that; well great, then, you learned something new today. A most important lesson it is.

Star Courts watch over stars, and protect them and the planets around them; they, also, if necessary, help out other Star Courts, if they are in need of help to thwart any attacks against the Stars, by other species, who want to destroy stars, for whatever reason.

The Star Courts have been brought into awakeness and awareness; by the one who oversees the Universes, and creates new planets, solar systems, galaxies, and when necessary new Universes, but any spiritual aware person, can create a Universe, they’re responsible for.

The spiritual entity usually doesn’t want to be responsible for a whole Universe, so they don’t create any, that would force them to watch over their Universe.

How were they all awakened at the same time, sonic resonances, words, sounds and so on.

One Star King was worked on, and the others, tuned into the bubble of communication around the Star King, but did not go into it, or try to join with it.

All the Star Courts, were allowed to tune into the teachings, but not with blending, but flowing around the bubble, so they got the full teachings, as this Star King, on Earth, got it.

The teaching was done, and the Xdei, Starmane is the one who did the teachings. Once the teaching was done, then the Star Courts could work on them singly, or in cadence with other Star Courts.

The Star Courts are now ready to defend their star, its planets, and it’s galaxy.


# 2 Virtual Realities and ET Primitive Possession, by Character Tree

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(c) Terry Floyd Johnson, 2017  ( Zoua; the OutRyder )


The ETs create a virtual reality character tree, within the person being taken through an virtual reality experience. This tree contains new selfs, and new talents, abilities and skills, which are kept here until needed.

These are all kept in tact, and away from the primitive , who is possessed by them, through virtual reality scenarios, along with several different kind of hypnosis, which ends with the thing the primitive is most scared of- as the handle on the character tree, making it so the primitive doesn’t try to go into the character tree, and spoil its effectiveness.

Now. let’s digress, for a moment, we have talked about the Rhythms, which are found in every Universe, with it own unique Rhythm, of all that it is, and as the Universes are, so are each being within it. Each has/creates its own natural Rhythm, which cannot be changed, or transformed, unless what’s there is simply there, and open ended, so it can be transformed, by new Rhythmatic beats, which solidify into a new character, within the one already there. It’s the soul/spirit character, and the primitive character, the main one, is what it is. t canI only be contacted, not changed, but can be transformed by a new perception of itself, but it is still the same Rhythm, that makes them unique, from all other beings, energies, etc.

Rhythms, then, are the shape of what’s going on within the total being, and is the depth creative wholeness, keeping you, within Rhythms, which are beats and melodies, but each is shaped by the actions of the others. The guide and decider, among each Rhythm is- trust your feelings, and act in the only way you can act to be true to yourself, and any action you take.

Rhythms bring into light necessary actions, and acting in the only way you can act to be true to yourself.

What does this mean? You have to take total responsibility for everything your are, do, think about doing, thinking, and so on. You choose your actions, and thus, your actions show what’s going on within you.

This does not mean you are responsible, for your kidnapping by ETs/your own kind, your enemies/and enemies of your nation, etc.

In this true light, true necessity, we come to the Star Kings and Star Queens,  and their protectors Star Knights, and Star Rangers.

Each have their own uniqueness, and responsibilities, which they choose to take on; we thank them for that. They’re the Protectors of each Star in the Universe, and by doing do, are the Protectors of each planet with life on it.

However, this would mean there are billions of Star Royalty, but this isn’t the case, because of what is called- On your Honor, which means each star, and each planet, is on its honor, to tell the Star Royalty, if something is wrong within them. They have done this honorably for eons and more.

However, today, there is so much pollution, or fighting, or dying, etc., that the stars, planets are disgusted with their planetary folk, and have chosen to let them kill themselves, and unfortunately, the stars and the planets, as well, because of their narcissism, and greed, along with the drug of need of Power.

The Star Royalty cannot force them to let them know if they’re in trouble, for whatever reason. They’re deeply ashamed of their planetary folks actions, and now even more so, with the Universes at war.

This brings the Star Royalty into the picture; they’re beginning to handle all parties involved in the wars, etc., as well as, what’s going on in the Universe, and are doing it everywhere, except in the reality known as Jeopardy, not because it’s a dangerous area, but for just the opposite, no trouble is allowed to get out o hand, and is closed down, by action of Rowdies Rangers.

This area works hand and hand with Star Royalty, to keep the peace in the Universe, but even they, cannot stop all the violence, so they have to clean up areas of war, and put them back on the road to Peace.

They have been given the title of Peacekeepers; and they utilize Rhythms to bring this about. They are the masters of Rhythms, and they are the Microcosmic Force, the true Rhythm of this Universe and every Universe, just a little different, so it is unique.

They are now working to end the war between the ETs and the Primitives; the Primitives are quiet willing, but the Warlords of the ETs and others, aren’t.

The Star Royalty, has even been attacked by the Warirons, who lost, and was put on a planet where they can live peacefully.

The only problem with all of this is that the Star Royalty, is part of the problem, for they don’t take self-responsibility, for themselves, so they act in accordance not with their inner feeling, but Outside Rhythms, and Outside is only concerned with itself, and creation of greed, power, position, and winning.

Ergo, the Star Royalty can never win their charges over, for they’re part of the problem, but they can do so within the movement of repressing their own natural trust in their feelings, for trust in the idea of Peace, without the knowledge of how to gain true Peace, comes only when each being, acts in the only way they can act to be true to themselves.

This is the truth of the Microcosmic Force, true action/peace can only be true if comes out of the individual, and cannot be given or created  by outside means.

Do the Star Royalty do no good, and only compound the problem, no, for an individual must have a peaceful environment, to come to realize they’re totally responsible for themselves, and everything they do. This is the beginning of true Microcosmic Force doing and creation

May the Microcosmic Force be with you here and now!



# 1 Virtual Realities

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(c)  Terry Floyd Johnson, 2017  ( Zoua; the OutRyder )


Humans of today have discovered the wonders of virtual realities; and are making more and more capsuletes, of vr creativity, to give their audiences, even more pleasure, and leisure, without having to actually, do anything, and not having to leave their seat.

What you don’t know, and as far as I can ascertain, no one has found the next knowledge step, where virtual realities creations, are simply a step, toward the bigger reward.

What is this bigger reward? That is the big question, but we can start to understand, if we see where vr is today, where many outfits are putting together vr full screen, in depth,  creating of real life like scenes, movies, etc..

VR works by putting the person watching it into the virtual world, made up by the creators, to give the audience a realistic experience, without them having to actually do what it is their interested in experiencing- vicariously, through the creations of virtual realities- creative and realistic experiences.

VR allows the viewer to feel, know, they’re actually doing and experiencing the world they’re stepping into, for a creative diversion, and relaxing entertainment.

If that’s what you choose to experience, if not, then you experience the vr actions/worlds, as if you’re actually doing it. This means you can do what in real life is beyond your ability or interest.

Now we come to the question- why do the ETs, utilize vr, within the experience humans and other Primitives, have aboard the Stands, ( their words, not ours ), especially in sexual experiences, among others.

It is an essential role, within, subverting Primitives, to do what they want them to, usually causing some kind of physical/mental action, the bodymind does without realizing its a virtual reality, ergo machine sex, and teaching of subjects, with proper feedback, when they’re seen to have learned, or rather, been programmed the way their captors want them to be.

This is also used for Primitive military, spy. total integration into a new view of self, into whatever, they need the Primitive for, and then, when done, they put them back into the virtual reality ( which the Primitive believes they’re still in, but in reality, they’re within the real world, doing operations for the ETs ), they have placed the Primitives into.

One of these, is for operational planning, of how to gather info, create problems, for those, not doing what the ETs want, and/or taking over cities, countries and planets.

They call this the Primitive Possession technique, and use it quite frequently.

Once the operation is over, they put the Primitive back into the virtual reality machine, or environment, and they don’t deprogram the Primitive, but bury it within them, so it can be recalled by them anytime they want. It is completely hidden from the Primitive, and this is backed up by sonic hypnosis, light hypnosis, depth hypnosis and term hypnosis, followed by wheel of colors, danger beast, put in to tie it all together, so fear rules the Primitive, and they run from touching any part of this fear agent.

The Primitive, is now, a hidden weapon of mass destructive power, intent, information gathering, and knowledgeable on many areas needed to be the perfect warrior or rather a rattlensnake striker, ready to strike at any time, for a variety of reasons.

Human military knows this, and kidnaps their own citizens, along with foreign citizens, to find out what has been programmed into those abducted by the ETs, or primed with laser communication and vr creative potential into learning the next field needed to carry out their next assignment.

The first step in creating a vr character, and intertwined with the Primitive’s natural idea of self, is a anatomical connection, to the circling paths of all memories of the Primitive, so they can be worked into the orders given to them to carry out. This knowledge field is bound within the newly formed/created character structure, which all these fields are connected to, so they become a character tree, which can be brought out anytime the ETs want to use the Primitive, for their own military, etc.. reasons.

May the Microcosmic Force be with you, here and now!