# 273 Loaning something to other persons

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(c) Terry Floyd Johnson, 2021 ( Zoua; the OutRyder; StarMane; the WayLight Listener

The idea of loaning something to someone, in many cases, is the idea that whatever is loaned will be brought back to the original loaner. This is an expectation, if the person loaning whatever is wanted by the one wanting to loan it, because human nature dictates, that some will see this as a contract and will follow through with bringing it back, but a majority, will forget, put it away- they’re going to need it again, or get busy and let it slip their mind.

Loaning someone anything is expecting the other person to be honorable and bring back what they are loaned. Like any expectation it is liable to get crushed with the reality, of what you the loaner expect, against what the person you are loaning it to expects.

This situation can cause hard feelings, anger, fights, ending friendships, and more. There is an answer.

Don’t loan anyone anything with the idea/expectation they’re going to bring it back, especially with money, if you can’t afford to loan it or give it, then don’t do it. Say ” NO “.

This saves a lot of time, anguish and more on either end.

Respect the person you’re asking a loan from to allow them to say NO.

May the Microcosmic Force be with you, right here and now!

# 272 Helping others

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(c) Terry Floyd Johnson, 2021 ( Zoua; the OutRyder; Starmane; the WayLight Listener

Helping others is a noble way of living, except when it’s done with the idea of gaining something for yourself, when you do it.

Helping others when you’re doing so with strings attached, isn’t helping, it’s implied negotiation, meaning you’re thinking you’,re doing this so they’ll do something for you later.

That’s a no-no!

Helping someone, for the idea you’re creating a contract with them, that they will help you in the future, is a no win situation for them and for you. It’s a no win situation for them, for they aren’t making a contract with you, they’re in need of help, at that moment, and you either give it or not freely. They expect you to do it because you want to do it, not because you’re keeping a running tally of who owes you favors, for what you did for them, at an earlier date.

It’s a no win situation for you, the helper, when you need help and they say no, for whatever reason, you react negatively, I helped you…so you owe me! This isn’t a brilliant way to keep friends, or show your philanthropic attitude toward others.

You get angry, because you aren’t getting the help you contracted for, when you helped them. Not withstanding, the contract is only in your head and not in theirs. If you negotiate a contract verbally or in writing, its no longer help, but a contract with financial, obligations, etc., so its a business deal, and not a helping hand.

The way to truly give to others is to give without strings, because you want to, and if you don’t… don’t do it.

This brings up a very powerful way of being, when you’re in a situation where you must decide if you want to do something or not. What is that powerful way of being…the ability, the strength, the courage to say NO!

People hate to say no, but if that’s the best answer you have, say it; if it hurts the other person’s feelings, then they aren’t a friend, at this moment, but a bearer of expectations. They expect you to say yes, and if you don’t, they’ll get angry, hurt, etc., because you didn’t do what they wanted you to.

Saying NO, is equal to saying YES, when you mean it, and not because you’re caught up in a situation, where you don’t want to seem to be the bad guy. If the other person, is wanting you to help them, they expect you to help them, so they’re already seeing you giving them what they want. A very rosy picture….they’re creating in expectation of it coming true. When it doesn’t they’re crushed, because they’re in the land of wishing, or fantasy, where all their troubles will be taken care of by your help. This is illogical…and a way of solving their problems, without them having to do what is necessary to solve the problems in their own way.

Helping only helps if the giver, gives freely to the receiver, who is at the same time working on his/her problems on their own with true determination to find the answers themselves.

Many times when a person helps another, then that person, sees the helper as a rescuer, and will continually go back to them so they can be rescued, and the rescuer, goes along with it, because they enjoy the position as rescuer, so its a mutually satisfying dynamic.

Affirm Blessings on you that you will give freely when a true need is shown to you!

Affirm Blessings on the person, etc. in need, that they see this as only a help to their own problem solving on the problems beseeching them at this moment.

May the Microcosmic Force be with you, here and now!

# 271 Pride leads to the fall

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(c) Terry Floyd Johnson, 2021 ( Zoua; the OutRyder; StarMane; the WayLight Listener

Pride usually means you either are using false pride, so no one sees the fear underneath or nose in the air pride, where the person thinks they are so perfect, good, etc. that they can do no wrong, and everyone that are not in their social category is below them.

This isn’t a good psychological place to be in, whether false or nose turned up. If you are truly at peace, joy and happiness with yourself, then you don’t try to be what you’re not, nor do you think yourself as king or queen of the hill. Nose in the air means you are not seeing what’s right in front of you, persons, who have their own wonder and specialness, but you only see yourself, and miss out on being someone who can share with others and help them find their own selves, as you have found yours.

Being good at something, doesn’t mean you are the only one who can do what you do, and even if this is so, what you do is in one category ( usually ), and you aren’t so fine in others, meaning you try to only be in those areas/spots/events where you shine and not where you do not. This means you are not allowing yourself to experience life in all of its amazing facets.

You start ignoring others, you only want to hear what you want to hear, you only do that where you are the star or one of them, but of course, you know you’re the only really star there.

Crudeness, spitefulness, ignorance, loss through superiority complex, and more all come with thinking you’re more than your not.

Being great at something is great; having the will to win, to show what you are capable of/about is great, as long as it has these components as well: peace, happiness and joy, leading you in your wins, and if you lose- your losses.

Peace means enjoying what you’re doing not only for yourself, but for others, as well, and you do it with the peace of mind that you’re doing your best, whether that’s personal best, team best, competition best, but realizing it isn’t the only thing you’re good at, and as long as you do your best, you’re a winner.

Happiness, is in the moment, being happy of accomplishment(s) you have done; and you’re caught up in the moment and you share your happiness with everyone around you, as equals, and even those who lost, won’t think bad about you ( unless they have their own pride issues ), but are happy to join in your success. Be the person who is happy for their win, but considerate of those who didn’t and making them feel they did their best and that’sall anyone can ask.

Sometimes we’re happy when we win, or succeed at something, but there is always something missing, and there is something, because you have become a win or die addict. If you win you’re supremely happy, but if you lose you are down to the depths, or are taking your anger out on everyone around you. This is termed poor sportsmanship, the idea behind sports is to win, coaches don’t stay employed coaches if they lose, so their goal is to win no matter what.This is a prime example of happiness of the moment, but there is something missing, taking care of the players, and not pushing them to hurt themselves to win over anything else.

What is the long term feelings that allow you to enjoy what you do, help you socialize with people, all kinds of people, make others happy to know you, when they meet you and then want to be your friend forever….JOY!

Joy is the hidden component that shows you have balance in your life, with what you do, who you are, what you want to accomplish and if you fail/lose, then you, realize you need to look at what you’re doing and see what you’re doing wrong, or what you did wrong in this one particular event, or what you have missed seeing because you weren’t trusting your feelings, and so on.

Joy is endurance, its long term love of what you do, its sharing your love of what you do with others, its simply feeling filled with good feelings when you do what you do, before you even start to do it.

Joy means love of what you do, love of yourself and love of the lifestyle you create, or ease into or simply feel its the only thing you can do to be true to yourself.

Joy is that something that gives anyone that extra push to do what needs to be done, for it’s the right thing to do, and it fulfills your joy of yourself, and in sharing, helping others.

May the Microcosmic Force be with you here and now!

# 270 Self- Responsibility and Living in the World

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(c) Terry Floyd Johnson, 2021 ( Zoua; the OutRyder; StarMane; the WayLight Listener )

How does one live in the real world and practice/live self-responsibility:

  1. You are the creative/the actioneer of your life
  2. You are responsible for all your actions, life choices, choosing wrongly, not looking into whatever subject, etc. you’re looking at to get involved with, the choices leading up to a bad, or wrong ending
  3. All of your actions, thoughts, etc., comes first from your inner source, and recreates itself within your brain/bodymind processing
  4. Knowing what to do, to listen and not do, till you know what to do and how to do it
  5. Trust your feelings
  6. Watch/listen, hear, feel, sense movements around you, coming toward you, and wanting you to join in the action being planned or taken
  7. Movement tells all
  8. Every being/non-inanimate object is life energy, moving life energy, if it moves it speaks what is going on within it
  9. You are Microcosmic Force Life Energy Whole, a single organism, with no parts, only areas to point to
  10. To trust others, allow the trust to build slowly, or to your inner source feelings
  11. Every being/inanimate object has an aura, and every aura has color, and not only color, but shows its mood by the depth, the light, the shadow over it as to where it is at within the person’s, etc., total being
  12. Do not listen with your head, your brain, but with your total bodymind; the brain/head thoughts, learning processes, doing processes are guided by what you have learned through trial and error, or being taught this is the way it is now, till its proven wrong- making paradigms; listen to your feelings, and act in the only way you can act to be true to yourself
  13. Don’t question yourself, the answer is usually the first thing that comes to your mind
  14. Meditation can be done sitting, walking, running, conversing and more, find the one right for you
  15. Don’t overextend yourself, learn to say no, and learn to say yes- when you trust your feelings its a go
  16. Don’t limit yourself to who you think you are, but become who you truly are, don’t limit yourself to the present but be aware of non-linear realities, symbols, shapes, designs, persuasions and creativeness
  17. Tailsmans, etc. are for learning, but doing is for trusting yourself to do what is right and to learn more about the Universe, by being your own security for what you do
  18. The astral planes are filled with false beauty traps, and levels of previous masters, who now have their own level, and if you go there, it’s expected of you to stay, rather than just try to see if it fits you
  19. Every being is a chameleon, a shape shifter, for you are who you want to be, and you don’t need others to tell you who they see you are, you only have to trust your feelings and feel your inner source
  20. There is no need for Gods; you’re who you want to be, and if its beyond what you know, then you have to train and make your way by trusting your feelings
  21. Covering your spiritual bets, meaning some people like to be able to go from one fellowship to another without choosing a chosen path, this is okay for a while, but then to continue your spiritual journey you must choose the path of your choice
  22. Beginning your spiritual journey your steps take you to new learning and begins to allow your spiritual trueness to come out, until the day comes when you must choose between continuing your spiritual path or to go back, or stay where your at, and allow Outside to try to grab you once again
  23. Love yourself, without limitation, and without limiting yourself by your mental capacities, which are limited, very limited.

# 269 Sensitivity to Life Movement, and if something is good or not

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(c) Terry Floyd Johnson, 2021 ( Zoua; the OutRyder; StarMane; the WayLight Listener

One of the ways, that leads to other ways, creative ways, psychic ways, reading ways, and so on, is becoming sensitive, so your whole bodymind is sensitive-to all levels of energy, patterns, flashes, lights, and so on.

Psychic Sensitives tune into the vibrations of the situation, and keep themselves separate from what their feeling, so they can remain apart from it, authentic, honest, truthful, willing to share what they see/feeling. in a way those who want to hear what they want to say understand, to the depth, they’re sensitive within themselves.

Sensitivity in humans lies within- listening with an ear to hear what is being said, and not said, feeling energies/vibrations/frames/movements/what has been energy blasted onto the energy of a place, things, etc., of someone with a great sensitivity and awareness, and who is totally there. This person leaves their identification symbol in the area they’ve been in, so any one with sensitive psychic senses can see what went on as they interacted with this place, thing, etc., energies, culling them into being a symbol of what he/she/it did when they’re here in this scene, area, point vortex, and so on.

Psychic Sensitivity starts with your natural abilities, everyone is born with one or more natural talents, abilities and skills. They may come out without any work done by the person, and natural abilities are usually ones that can happen easily, because its apart of the naturalism of the human, etc.. These psychic talents, abilities and skills are ones chosen by the person to be part of their life path, for a reason, or for new learning and expanding of knowledge.

The many other psychic talents, abilities and skills must be discovered as you experience life, meditation, and so on. Each level within you has its own vibrational equal in talents, abilities and skills. The higher you get and the more powers you discover within you, the more you realize all of them are the same, they’re simply you doing what is within you in tune with your inner source, and is the only act you can do to be true to yourself.

May the Microcosmic Force be with you, right here and now!

# 268 I love my imagination;I have to watch over my imagination

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(c) Terry Floyd Johnson, 2021 ( Zoua; the OutRyder; StarMane; the WayLight listener

Our imagination is priceless…what one can imagine one can do, or if not you someone else using your imaginative spark to find the way to do it, as you saw it, or with their own addition from their imagination.

Imagination is great, when used as a way of creating, finding answers to problems, seeing new ideas coming from your own mind, and within associations floating around your mind, you bring together as the spark of a new imaginative project, writing, poetry, answer to any problem from any field, when the imaginative spark hits a person, or animal, who acts in a way that triggers a new imaginative insight.

It becomes ruthless when it’s used to scare the person, who is in psyche/psychic/spiritual pain. Spiritual pain isn’t simply that which is beyond the everyday ( though it can be ); it’s also pain that touches the bodymind spiritual awareness living within the world, and being caught up in the delusion/the grandeur, the illusion of how wonderful outside world is, living, being and thinking – by giving up your inner center.

Psyche pain is psychological, sociological, bodymind material, which influences, if not entirely overwhelms you by expectations of not only others, but adds to it by a disbelief in one’s self, by losing touch/contact with your inner source. All of the above is created and used by Outside to wrap you in its coils and make you believe you don’t need to trust your inner source, but you only have to develop your mind and your body, so you can win at playing the games of living within the society you find yourself in.

What games are we talking about: business, carnivals, circuses, education, military, politics and more, showing one must develop one’s mind in the mindset that Outside is the answer, when in reality it is the way to lose the game, and yourself, in the actions you do and take. Mind isn’t the answer, nor is thinking, or constructive thought, or find answers to questions- mentally, that many times end up being the same as, or even more destructive than the problem it was the answer for.

You must put your mind in the Microcosmic Force Whole of You, meaning it is simply within the whole which is you, known by you, through trust in your feelings, acting in the only way you can act to be true to yourself. You know that by trusting your feelings of what’s going on within you, and through that, getting through the crap of Outside.

Outside wants to destroy anything that takes away from it gaining more and more power, and infiltrating more and more life forms, so that it stays the King of the World, and no one can knock him or her off of it or it has simply created a way of living that has gotten more players to play, thus controlling them, through, them thinking they’re winning the game of competition, and winning above everything else.

Be yourself; trust your feelings; act in the only way you can to be true to yourself, from within yourself, and be who you are not- transforming what you think you want to be within Outside to who you Microcosmic Force truly are.

May the Microcosmic Force be with you, right here and now!