# 164 You are your bodymind or are you?

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(c)  Terry Floyd Johnson, 2018  ( Zoua; the OutRyder )


In the annuals of psychological doing, how psychologists look at a person’s body, is to see it as body-mind, this says there’s a split between mind and body.

The first person to say this is wrong, is Wilhelm Reich, who coined the word ” character ” to explain how we live our daily lives; and can also be found  in the person’s muscular armor, seen within the  person’s bodymind, directed repression by the person’s character; he also found the worm in man/woman.

He found muscular armor, is created by  repression and denying yourself, this character armor isn’t vertical, but horizontal, these six circular bands on the bodymind, allow us to see the character each person has formulated for themselves. To work on each one- you go from top ( head ) to the hips.

The discovery of Orgone Energy, shows us Orgone Energy is found in everything,  He said he saw this orgone energy, when he was in the Orgone Accumulator Box. ” Later he expanded his idea of orgone energy, to placing it as cosmic orgone energy, for orgone is found in all things, everywhere.

He took his therapy to the next level also; the nuerotic dependence on orgone energy, becomes a fear, of creating off-balance in the bodymind, and many times the client will go back to blocking the orgone energy or cosmic orgone energy, even after having it freed through Reichian therapy.

Reich also formulated the great achievement= bio-electrical four step buildup to letting go of charged life energy:

  1. Mechanical Tension
  2. Charge
  3. Discharge
  4. Mechanical Relaxation

These are the steps in bioelectrical charge and discharge in the body, leading to sexual fulfillment. Full charge means the person has orgasmic potency, and is the true life process.

Reich found that you could free the mind, but without freeing the whole bodymind, or in another way-healthy being, is  lost if the bodymind isn’t freed, at the same time.

I concur with this, as working on my own self-therapy, I found if I didn’t do bodymind work, with the expression of the character within muscular armor repressing on natural flowing life energy, the breakthroughs would not stay.

Alexander Lowen

Studied with Reich, for many years, but then started going off in his own direction, seeing within the bodymind, what troubles the person working with; Reich is the first person to call the human body that. Bodymind means there are no parts in the human body, each of us, human and more, are a single process, we are whole within ourselves. By freeing yourself via manipulation of the bodymind, you get closer and closer to total health or orgastic potency found only within the man, woman free of all nuerosis and muscular armor, and any new ones, coming in, are quickly worked through, maintaining the healthy process of life.

Alexander Lowen started seeing symbolic shapes being expressed in the person’s bodymind. He began to look for them, and to manipulate the bodymind in these areas to release the bioenergy stopped up in symbolic character armor expressing what the character is trying to express. To free the person from the muscular armor creating these bodymind symbolic positioning, which reflects the areas being repressed and creating more armor.

I concur with this, also, Symbolism, within the character structure of each person will show up within the bodymind acting out the character muscular armor, and needs to be worked on- to achieve a breakthrough on the bodymind, mental nueroses symbolized in the bodymind.

He followed this insight up, by formulating exercises, which work on the whole bodymind of the person, and free him/her, from the tyranny of each person’s unique character armor, and get life energy streaming once again.

We will look at other practitioners in bodywork, bodymind, and so on, but for now, I want to list what I see within the bodymind work:

1. Character is seen within the symbolization of problems being repressed within the muscular structure, when kept not moving for a length of time, they become frozen, and are like shields of steel, ergo, muscular armor.

2. Role playing helps you to talk to the repressions keeping your bodymind in the unhealthy stage it’s in.

3. Working with a person’s bodymind, by tension and relaxation walking, can work the whole body, and achieve an amazing breakthrough, to be working with the person’s spirit, usually within fifteen to twenty minutes. I feel-see the person’s spirit, and work with the physical bodymind and the spirit, coming in to defend its lifeplan, for its physical person avatar.

4. Psychic/Telepathic/Spiritual talents, abilities and skills, are natural to you, no one gives them to you, and no one can take them away from you, what they can do, is convince you to block them yourself, and no one is the true way for you, but you.

5. A teacher who shows you how to grow within yourself, without making you walk a path he/she/it wants you to walk, so as to praise them, and not teach you, but wants to create a follower of his/her/its perceptions, not yours. The true spiritual teacher  is the one who sees beauty in the wisdom gained by any student, to what is the right path for them, wherever they may be.


Microcosmic Force be with you here and now!




# 151 Knowledge Creates Wise Decisions- Trust Your Feelings!

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(c)  Terry Floyd Johnson, 2018  ( Zoua; the OutRyder )


Decision-making means taking information known, looking for information not known, putting it all together, and making the wisest decision you can, from the information, you collected, in you due diligence, about what has caused a decision to be done, to the advantage of you, your home, business and people you know. A win-win-win-win= you-they-others-universe.

However, along with this due diligence, is another powerful way, of making the right decisions, and that is by trusting your feelings, not trying to second guess them, therefore bringing them down into the mundane mix, you are using, for your physical/mental due diligence. Don’t do this!

Trust your feelings, over all else;, go over all the information you collected, and if any seems not right, whether this is in the looking over the info, and putting everything in its proper place, to help you make the best decision for you, your company, your family and for yo;, feel what’s causing you to have doubts. If it doesn’t feel right, find out why it doesn’t feel right, and if, after you look into what’s bothering you, you still have a nagging uncomfortableness, then don’t do it. Trust your feelings to guide you in what you’re doing or trying to do.

Don’t control your feelings; don’t second guess them; don’t push them out of the way; so you can make a rational decision; don’t listen to others, if you know it isn’t right for you, etc.; listen to your feelings, listen to your heart, trust both, and walk away from a project if all isn’t right and on the board; be very careful about hidden agendas from the other side, which they don’t want to come up, and never come up, so they can do the deal, and walk away leaving you holding the bag.

This goes for any decisions you have to make, whether home-based, work-based, thinking-based, dreaming-based, problem-based, etc., do what you feel is right, for you, and when you go with your feelings, you’re going with all of you, and it’s the right decision to make.

Feelings are feelings, they’re not emotionally based, they’re not rationally based, for they’re more than either one of the above, they’re heart-based, and the wisdom says trust your feelings, trust your heart!

Don’t blame you feelings- if you only listen partially to your feelings, and go back into your head or emotions to make the final decision, this is a toss of the dice, it may be a good decision, or maybe not. It’s in your world of rationalize thinking, rationalize-emotive considering and thinking, which may or may not lead to right decision-making.

Feelings are separate from what the mind does, and what the body looks at emotionally, for they work in possibilities, where feelings, work only in truth; this is the only act you can do to be true to yourself.

Feelings truth, means you benefit from it, and everyone in the universe benefits from it, too, for truth rings out everywhere, when it’s created, and when its acted upon. Truth is the basis of all life, structure, and hope.

Truth is individually created and found, through trusting your feelings; through trusting your heart, to listen, and to know, what your feelings are expressing.

Listening is the third arm of trust your feelings-trust your heart-listen-hear with true listening and heart knowing. Hear the truth of what is being broadcast to you- don’t second guess it, or edit it- listen and act in Microcosmic Force Truth!

You can do it! If you do it now, you are Microcosmic Force Blessed! If you don’t, now, but work on it, you are Microcosmic Force Blessed in the trying, and learning, till it comes to you and you are a Listener-Trusting, Feeling-Acting person of knowing/seeing- what you do is the right thing to do.

Microcosmic Force Blessing on your, here and now!



# 2 Music and Dance, Beauty and Loverly

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(c) Terry Floyd Johnson, 2018  ( Zoua; the OutRyder)


Enviroradience best expressions and joys is listening, playing, dancing to music. Music is an intregal aspect of Enviroradience. Heavy Metal, Pop, Classical, Swing, Jazz, Rock and Roll, and more.

Music is the soul of the Universes and dance is the Vibration of the Universes bringing physical and mental reality to the Universes, and those that populate them.

Life is Music and Movement is the Dance of Life; whether slow and balancing, as in Tai Chi, sorrowfulness of the blues, high energy of Rock and Roll, the love of life and others of country music, the deliciousness of the story told by long coats of Classical dreams, the energy of Pop Music, and the delight of Techno blendings; Music is Life and Life is music.

Listening to music is wonderful, fulfilling, and sends you to places within yourself, where you have never been before. However, when you get up, and start to move, to the beat, the melody, the vibration, the enhancement of the moment, all of these are wonderfully displayed in the art, the form or formlessness of the worlds of dance.

Jitterbug, ballet, modern, swing, ballroom, and others show the wonder of not only the music and the moves, but the wonder and beauty of the human body, and what it can do, when practiced and showing its wonder of expressing the music its dancing to.

So, we here at EnviroRadience implore you to listen, to play, to enjoy, to express yourself, through the wonder, joy and beauty of music and dance.

Music  and dance can be seen in the beauty of the Sufi movements, the religious holidays and expressions, showing the inner dancing of even the slightest move, the slightest expression and the slightest sigh coming from the perfect move, bringing the house down, as perfection is born and displayed for the watchers to see, and be forever touched, by the moment of perfection seen/heard in music and dance.

Express yourself in music, in dancing to music, to making no sound music found within the beauty of the human bodymind, as it expresses its deepest wonders, fears, and strengths, which overcome those fears, through the moves of the human bodymind, and the expressions and thought it expresses- silently, but with the explosiveness of a super nova, that is Dance, that is Love, that is I.

#1 March for our lives

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(c)  Terry Floyd Johnson, 2018  ( Zoua; the OutRyder )


Today saw thousands of teenagers, adults and children walk the streets of major cities across the world. This was the March for our Lives! Teen lives are on the line; as perpetrators come into schools to kill children and young adults, from elementary schools to colleges and Universities.

Every time this has happened, nothing is done about making laws for gun control. The Congress will, hopefully, only the Republicans, won’t go against the NRA, to pass strict gun control, so they’re basically saying young lives, children, teenagers and college age students- lives don’t matter!!!!

They’re, also, saying its okay to have a shooting gallery operate as a school, so anyone who wants to do violence, who wants to be a copycat, can come into the schools and start shooting people.

Many of those who died, died at the hands of other children, who got guns from home, or wherever, and became so disenchanted, or angry, they came into their own schools and killed their classmates, teachers, etc..

Many other persons, from children to adults, are bringing guns or weapons to school, being copy cats of those who went before them, whether to be a gunperson, or to protect themselves, since the schools won’t, and the government won’t, so they’re taking their protection into their own hands.

Now, instead of gun control, our idiotic President wants to arm teachers, so they can go postal and shoot everyone in sight, and how are they going to be trained, how many reup trainings are they going to have, and so on.

The Constitution says we have the right to bear arms, and I am not disagreeing with this extremely important right Americans have, to stand up to a government gone power hungry, again simply look at our dolt of a President, who is showing, he is going to make a try to become a dictator, by wanting a military parade, congratulating the Chinese ruler, for now being ruler for life, and saying maybe our country could have that kind of action to, and other things showing, he is corrupted by Power, and wants to have it as long as he’s alive.

If we want American Democracy to stay, then we have to get rid of all the Republicans in Congress, and those Democrats, who work to add to their millions. We have to put in people, who care about the average american joe/joan. Millionaires have a hard time seeing the need of others who are working stiffs, as they’re called.

They have lost touch with reality, they’re only concerned with what is important to their wealth, and act as if they care about the average american.

Every Congress person in Congress, now, is a millionaire, and how do you feel that a millionaire, who wanted to come to Congress for Power, and to make even more money, and benefits for him/her self, is going to care about you, your family, friends and communities.

Now, a Congressperson, wants to give Congresspersons, a raise, while their are homeless across the nation, but they still want to line their pockets with American dollars, without any care, for those individuals and families living on the street, because Congress would rather fund wars, than give their own places to live and to work.

Those who voted fro Trump, which aren’t usual Republicans, are the ones most being hurt by his and the Republican majority base. I hope they enjoy how their vote is turning out, now they’re yelling, and screaming, they’re losing their only money coming in, and what are they going to do: 1. never vote for a Republican, they see themselves as owners, and all others as employees, and employees, are a cost, to cut whenever it can be done, for more profit for the owners, or the owners and stockholders.

America yes, Americans yes, Republicans no, Trump absolute no, and getting rid of all the Republicans, and those of the Democrats who act like them, but pretend they aren’t; we have to get them out of office, and out of taking hard earned money, from the people, to put it in their own pockets.

Be American! No more millionaires in office, who has not shown an acceptance, of working, for all people, not just their chosen few. including themselves.

I am a green, you must decide who you want in political offices across the country, the controls you put on the CIA, NSA, Military, and all the others who are draining the money away, for their own special causes, taking money away from you, your neighbor, your community, and your national communities, who are being taken to the cleaners, by representatives in Congress, who don’t have to worry about day to day expenses.

Step-up and say Never Again- will we vote for persons, who have no idea how to work to help all people, and just not themselves. Never Again, will we stand by and let them start wars, and continue wars for years, with no end in sight. Never again, will we stand by and allow men to disrespect women, to think they can touch them, grope them, bypass them, and more; they must learn to keep hands off, learn to respect women, and just as important- learn from them, listen to them.

Never Again-a war on women! Justice must stand in protection of women, and respect them, when they have been hurt, raped, etc., by not asking invasive questioning, but work within the framework of  the woman’s ability to recover. Women are Wonderful, and they’re not the secondary citizen males want to put them in, in this country and other countries, as well. This attitude toward women is an international, ongoing, event.

In some countries, not to be named, killing women is an appropriate action, when a family member feels she has disgrace the family, or a princess tries to leave a country, and she and the man she loves are killed by the king of the country, her grandfather. These events are not forgotten, justice will win in the end, and these men or their male children, who continue, this archaic look at women, shall pay the price, for this hereditary murdering of women, raping them, and so on.

An example of this is a friend, Judy Myers, who was kidnapped by police, on the crooked word of her husband, who lied to the court, saying he didn’t know her, but in reality, he was married her, he now wanted out of the situation, so he used his standing in the community and as an army ranger, to get the police to harass her, and put her in jail, for not being able to pay her bail, till a friend got the money to her.

For more on this please go to:


copy this, put into your url taskbar, and click on enter, to go to the site.

Microcosmic Force Blessings! Affirm Blessings! on every person on this planet, they get what they need, and they forward their blessing onto others across the world.

Microcosm Force Blessings on you, right here and now!


# 4 UFO ETS, Any Good/Friendly Ones to Primitives

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(c) Terry Floyd Johnson, 2018  ( Zoua; the OutRyder )


We know the Trader Groups, hate primitives, and seek to exploit them any chance they get ( sound familiar, Putin and Russia, Syria, and all other dictator regimes, as well as oligarchies, of all sort ), because people, who live on Earth, simply want to live a good life and live prosper, they’re seen as sheep, or fodder, for the wolves, the above, and the mercenary type, the gangbangers, the OGS, and so on.

Where does all this anger, greed, jealously, coveting, etc., come from- what each feel is a lack in their life; they’re sure, if they get it, their lives will instantly become better. Surprise, any level life has its rewards and its costs; sometimes that cost is death- to the one wanting a better existence for themselves, their friends, or their families, extended families included.

What seems to be the perfect, or at least a better economic life, turns out, the more money you have, the more others want to take it away from you. The Government covers it up and says everyone has to pay their fair share of taxes, why, because the Congress and the President, want money, to build armies, build precinct loyalty, so their position is, and seems to be, a position of Power.

Now, We’ve said it- POWER, the negative force in the Universe; it’s defined as the ability to achieve something by effort, and if necessary- leverage to expand that effort and reward.

In interactions between primitives/humans, there is always the one who wants to cut corners, find ways to take what they can, so they don’t have to pay or work for it, want to intimidate anyone who stands in their way, or isn’t doing what they want, and in the criminal element, if someone stands in your way- eliminate them, by killing them, beating them up, etc.. The government uses the Internal Revenue, in the U.S., to bilk the citizens our of their money, so they can listen to international corporations, to go to war, to get them more resources, and more people, they can exploit.

Then you have the GMO corporations, like Monsanto, who develop a seed base, where all the seeds are sterile, so the farmer has to buy seeds every time it is time to put in a new crop for the summer, winter, etc..

Not only did Monsanto, do this, to get more money, but they made the product of the planting and hatching, moveable by the wind, so aspects of the sterile seed, goes into other fields, not belonging to the farmer using the GMO seed, so those plants become sterile, and these farmers have to now buy their seed from Monsanto, etc., too, and plant GMO products.

Congress, the courts, all sit on their hands while Monsanto, tries to become the major power in the world, by having seeds which must be bought yearly, because the GMO seed is sterile, and the plants by the wind, and other means, go into non-GMO fields, and contaminate them, and they become sterile, as we said, this isn’t business, this is political, and Monsanto is a traitorous entity, trying to gain control of the world populations, through their GMO Programs, and this goes for all the other international and national corporations, who are trying to do the same things, they are no longer corporations, they are the heads of an international business terrorist operations, wanting to control the world.

And how would they do this, by security outfits, like the ones hired to work in southeast asia, and who committed atrocities, to please their paying customers. Criminals, governments, bullies, cyberbullies, organizations, etc., all play the fear card to make those underneath them do as the want, or be ground to dust by the POWER heel of viciousness, and death, given out by their henchpeople.

Where do we start to rid the world, and ourselves, of all this disease called Power, in the most innocent way, through affirmations and blessings, the Microcosmic Force, innate goodness, and way of working of transforming all that is negative, anywhere.

Affirm Blessings, Microcosmic Force Blessings, and Super Microcosmic Force Crystal White Light Love Life Energy Action and Blessings on….

Power exists in the dark areas, where humans, and ETs, turn on themselves, and see themselves as weak, not as good as others, a terrible person, etc., this is all, because they lose themselves in seeing themselves not as good as others.

You are not negative, bad, etc., you are the beauty of the Universe- within you, you are capable of being blinding Microcosmic Force Crystal White Light, the transformer of anything wishing to be the beauty they are within themselves, and by this, being the beauty the world sees you are, and they can be.

May the Microcosmic Force be with you, here and now!



# 4 Training VRs or Reality

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(c)  Terry Floyd Johnson, 2018  ( Zoua; the OutRyder )


The ETs have an arrogance about other species, who aren’t flying saucer initiates or professionals, so they call anyone in this category, primitives. Humans fall into this category, except for one thing, they themselves are primitives, next to those who don’t need space ships, flying saucers, etc., to go anywhere in the Universe, they want.

This leads to those who can go to any universe, any time, any sequence of events, they want, without need of any mechanical or electrical gadgetry, though, there are races called the Mages, who use technology implants, to have what seems to be psychic powers, and rule over all things; they don’t, their powers are limited, by whatever their technology is limited by.

The first realm of Telepaths are called the Whizzers or the Whizz; they keep to themselves, and no one would know they’re Whizzs, unless they use their limitless powers, to disappear, or do something out of the ordinary, which is uncommon, for the area they’re in.

We come now to those beings who can travel in any universe, realm, reality, parallel universe, etc.. They have no need of anything other than themselves, and they can use invisibility telepathic craft, any time. They’re called the Godalarians.

They’re is a third and final network of Telepaths/Talents, who not only travel anywhere they wish, but create new solar systems, galaxies, universes, realms, realities and more, to fill a need in the particular reality/universe they’re in.

In Earthly jargon, there is to be four new species come to birth on the planet Earth, or on near by plateaus of extensions, around the Earth, at an upcoming reality:

  1. The Emergents: they will come from triple x stars, actors and actresses, musicians, actors, entertainment workers, etc., horse race riders, and so on.
  2. The Awareneers- these will come from persons, etc., who are already on the road to spiritual awareness, and will be helped along by this transformation.
  3. The Fantastics- these are from carnival persons, academics, producers, hippies, and more
  4. The Wonders- made up of those born to make a difference, who are making a difference, and those who are philosophers, leaders and more.
  5. The Ascertainers- made up of those who see beyond where we’re at, who see when we are there, how we are there, what to do, when to do it and how to shape it to the best for everyone, and everything.
  6. The Tomorrowers- who travel in time, space, and realities, and interact, in particular places, to help that reality, grow, or help those within it Grow.
  7. For the first of the seven- see above- Godalarians.

May the Microcosmic Force be with you, here and now!

My studies in spiritual anarchy/Microcosmic Force!

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(c)  Terry Floyd Johnson, 2018  ( Zoua; the OutRyder )


I have been reading about UFOs, Abductions, Psychic Phenomena, Supernatural, and more, since childhood. However, I never knew that for me and millions of others, this wasn’t fiction, but truth about the Universe. WE ARE NOT ALONE!

  1. I first took the steps to do psychic phenomena and meditation, with affirmations, when I was going to Edith Gable, she was a brilliant psychic. she invited me to come to her prayer meetings on Wednesday. I went and stayed for a year and a few months
  2. Continue to read everything I could on Psychic, Psychic Warfare, other peoples experiences in environmental spiritual happenings.
  3. My research was, and is, as a Spiritual Anarchist; meaning I do not believe in Oneness, it is as bad as darkness, for it looks outside of yourself for answers, gifts, etc.
  4. I choose to be individual, thus I look for information, which lies within these guidelines, many times I have to look at macroconsciousness spirituality, and show how they’re Microcosmic Force, rather than Oneness, which beguiles those who follow it into believing they’re given spirituality by being within the oneness, when in reality, Oneness, has to have individual totality, or it would break.
  5. At the same time, from, before I was born, I have been picked up by ETs, and gone through their set routine, about what to do with primitives they pick up, which includes humans, or at least as far as they see it. When going to be returned, you are put through a deep hypnosis, sonic hypnosis, sound hypnosis, layered, and then went into your daily consciousness, it is locked from you, by the thing, the monster you fear the most.
  6. I found the path of Egyptian spirituality, and psychic phenomenon, and studied in the astral planes, till I became an Egyptian Priest left that spiritual intent
  7. then I went through yoga masters, learned as much as I felt valuable, then left this path to
  8. Native American beliefs, took the ones that fit me, then left that path as well
  9. Since I was eleven, and before this/but infrequently, I have been kidnapped by human militaries, for the training I have received from the ETs, and the StarRakers. It includes assassination, sabotage, false leads, lying to cover self and others, fixated on doing the job, planet governments takeover, false information, false news, mocking scientific truth as lies, and much more, especially, in the Black Ops, Green Ops, Pink Ops and Blood Red Ops.
  10. Came to one, who told me I was his student from old, and he was going to help me cross over to samadhi, he did, as did other masters
  11. Learned of the White Brotherhood
  12. I have been a naturist since my late teens; researched doing psychic activity, while naked, but it didn’t work out to well, so stopped doing it
  13. I studied spiritual business, marketing, advertising, interaction with clients, and so on
  14. I continue to refine and build on my speed and strength, etc., in all forms of karate, kickboxing, judo, self-defense, weapons, living off the land, and making weapons, from found objects in the environment you find yourself in.
  15. Never say Die, study survival methods, psychic terra farming of planets, asteroids, went between dimensions, went to many inhabited planets, as a servant to an ET
  16. Discovered I was a recognized reincarnation, from Tibet, and was one of the line of Dali Lamas, the true Dali Lamas, not the one now.
  17. Meditated all through my life, and begin to go into samadhi heights, and further
  18. When you become aware of your psychic potential, you open up the vibration of the spirit, which means you are now on a higher road of self-discovery, and meditation.
  19. Active member of the Primitive Resistance, to ETs, kidnapping us, doing virtual reality scenarios on us, alone and with interaction with others, usually death and destruction, and paying homage to your sponsor ET.
  20. Around 22, I was meditating and a black magician came into the corner of the room where I was meditating, and began to attack me, I watched this for a short time, till I started seeing red cracks in the vision of my third eye and physical eye, as well. Fought back, and turned this black magician around from me, but corners have been negative drawers to me, since then
  21. I have implants in my brain, which when they start going off, can be heard by others, and have been heard by others, one of my friends who heard these was Doris.
  22. I started giving psychic readings
  23. Studied Christian and other religions, along with individual study of healing, tried Sufism, left that, but like emphasis on music, singing and dancing
  24. Read sci-fi/fantasy books, which turned me on to something going on in my life, or to a new idea of spiritual content
  25. Working on destroying the layered hypnotic barrier put in me by ETs, and others, did so for many years.
  26. Looking for ways to disable or destroy implants, have not found how to do that yet
  27. Gestalt therapy, Bodymind therapy, massage holistic, transpersonal self-study, Bioenergetics ( showing how the bodymind uses symbols within the bodymind, to represent where there at, right here and now.
  28. Do tarot, looked at I Ching, and other fortune tellers, to find out you can use about anything, for your totality sets up the cards to tell you where your at, here and now.
  29. Started reading, giving messages to those who are still utilizing macroconsciousness, as their main spiritual path.
  30. Joined the spy units of primitives onboard UFOs/Motherships, and learned how to run everything the ETS have, later, after we left Socratic Eyes, we were led by Alexander, and turned into a military operation of fact finding, sabotage, military strikes against the ETs on planet and off planet, we are now Rowdies Rangers, we fight the ETs, to recognize us as equals, and to leave us alone.
  31. The total war, of the universes was fought, and the primitives won the right to be free, and to travel the Universes.
  32. Rowdies Rangers have freed thousands of planets and their populations, and have created a new Sakati means of governing.
  33. In the beginning of all this time, I began to play music and sing, and became famous, and started hidden businesses, which made me wealthy, off terra.
  34. I studied with Don Juan, and my teacher was Don T. I jumped off the cliff, and liked sorcery a lot, but it, to, shaped itself to macroconsciousness, so I left it to.
  35. I studied philosophy, psychology, business, entrepreneurship, non-verbal communication.
  36. I make up my own path, it is individual, everything begins within you, and those outside of you either look to see how they can be taught this,, or they want to hide in your ideas, so they don’t take responsibility for their own being, or want to join it with other macroreligions/spiritual being.
  37. Started teaching those who want to learn Dream Dancing, Dream Symbology, practice non-verbal communication or body language, went along with the Jedi, but now have transformed that way- to the Way of the Xdei.
  38. The Microcosmic Force is the center of the spirituality of the Xdei, meaning all things start from within you, which you choose to interact with, see, etc..
  39. You are totally responsible for you, act in the only way you can act to be true to yourself.
  40. Was watching a project camelot, Kerry, interview with David Corso, and as I watched it, I knew I knew him, but I, also knew, I had never met him, in my daily earth bound life. I kept watching, and then I flashed on where I knew him from, I was one of his OutRyders, during the Vietnam War, when he was the best sniper in Vietnam. In every day life, I have never been to vietnam, but I knew I was, and I was a high profile psi-raider, and OutRyder, I also watched after my cuz and my best friend, all of which I have no everyday remembrance of. I found the hypnotic, etc. mind bending, was still operational, if I was around him, I would be SilentSnake again, or Na’Ti’Ghost.






# 1 Affirm Blessings

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(c)  Terry Floyd Johnson, 2018  ( Zoua; the OutRyder )


The Xdei choose to work with other paths, to create crystal white light actions, in harmony with those paths, that are opposite of what the Xdei fellowship, teaches, lives and creates within.

Affirm Blessings, means we affirm the blessings, we feel is right, for the action needed, to help someone on a different path, or no path, so it works to help them, and doesn’t cross swords with this different path, because of the unique path itself.

This means you as Xdei, may help with any situation, any action, any positive thought, any positive process, and more.

Affirm Blessings, are very high Crystal White Light, love, life energy, and it works well with other blessings issued from others on different paths.

This is especially true, with the Whitelighters, who work to bring Crystal White Light, in Oneness, or ?, to any situation they choose to bless, or be in.

Xdei, use our Affirm Blessings, to work side be side with the Crystal Whitle Light of other paths, religions, fellowships, etc.

Our Affirm Blessings is high ” Doing ” life energy, which helps anyone, who is truly asking for help, love, blessings, blissfulness, caring, sharing authenticity, honesty, truth and more.

Affirm Blessings, stands tall with any great spiritual path, in helping others, by/through blessings.

Affirm Blessing works to bless small, as well as large, as well as gigantic/galactic; helping any who need it, and if there are Affirm Blessings left over, they go to those who can accept them, and know they will not hurt them.

The Xdei, use Affirm Blessings, whenever, Microcosmic Force Blessings, might cause rifts with other using their beliefs to help themselves, and others.

Affirm Blessing on all of you!

# 4 VR and Symbolic Reality

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(c)  Terry Floyd Johnson, 2017  ( Zoua; the Out Ryder )


Virtual Reality is outside created to entertain you, or in the case of intelligence agencies, etc., and UFO Aliens, it’s planting residual scenarios, by working with the person in hypnotherapy, sonic therapy, light therapy and music therapy.

This is done to create particular scenes, the instigator, wants to put into your mind, thus taking up consciousness energy, they think. This means you don’t have as much consciousness free flow, as if they hadn’t put in the vr scenarios.

This is wrong, but hey, let them keep their fantasies, in other words, they’re scenes created to plant a false image in your brain/consciousness, which will draw energy away, from your everyday living. The scene is there, but hidden within your mind, or least the doorway, to it is.

Symbolic reality, is real interchange, through connections with outside realities, and/or other beings, and astral levels, which are created by others, to showboat their belief system and try to gain followers to follow them, rather than following their own inner source, to find, what’s right, for them, through self-awareness, and self-feelings. Trust your feelings.

Examples of these outside personal or community reality planes of constructive creation- of the one or ones, who is creating the plane and its subject.

First, is the Askharic Records, when you go here, you will usually, see an old, small man, who points you toward your lifeplan books, those that have been worked through, one or ones, you’re working through now, and those waiting, for you to work through them.

This is outer reality contruct, which is created, for anyone, who comes to the structured reality scenario(s), they’re drawn to, to make sure they continue on the path the records tell them they’re supposed to follow.

In other words, these symbolic books, hold everything you’re going to do, or experience, are doing now, or are going to do, based on two things: your spirit’s lifeplan, for you ( it looks through rose-colored glasses, and makes up the lifeplan, with no thought to safety. It believes you will be able to pass anything it might bring into your life, from danger, to chart energy creation, drawing you to do what the chart is creating for you.

To have these books hold true, you have to believe in them, what they say, ergo, trying to make you believe they can only be changed by you doing something that causes the incident to transform, and go away, or simply become a small bump in your road of life. It wants you tied to the lifeplan it developed for you, as the best path, for you to follow, to work through problems, hold overs from past lives, and dangers placed in the lifeplan, to make it more interesting.

The second activity is source oneness, where everything you see is found within the Oneness of life, of interactive interaction with each other, thus to make this work, there has to be a symbolic reality plan. Here there are many symbols, to keep the structure of the mundane realities and the subconscious realities, as well as, the spiritual demand realities, where the lifeplan works for you or against you, going.

The structure of the mundane and the spiritual realities, is one of oneness, and this means it  has structure characters within it, to make it stay the same overall, but changeable, to paths, still within- the oneness fantasy.

What kind of characters, energy elementals, angels, sub-angels, negative characters, which take on the role of whatever will scare you, entice you, or strongarm you into following the scorecard. By you doing what the oneness structure wants you to do. In other words, this is a power of one over all others, and the head, is the one who gets all the goodies, created by their structured creation, of- follow the leader.

Be free of oneness, your spirit’s lifeplan, etc., for you.Ccreate your own life, by trusting your feelings, and acting in the only way you can act to be true to yourself. Thereby creating your life, as you live it, here and now, and in all of your total wholeness of being.

May the Microcosmic Force be with you, here and now!





# 6 VR Scenarios have other purposes/UFO4

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(c)  Terry Floyd Johnson, 2017  ( Zoua; the OutRyder )


Virtual Reality- inner human/primitive consciousness has vr scenarios, which are for the ETs purposes, not the human/primitive. MILAB crimes, are to get those who have these scenarios within them, so they can use them to program the person to do jobs for them. These Snappers, have one or more vr reality scenarios, within them, and these are a weakening process, within each of the ET/MILAB prisoner. They can be manipulated, through these vr scenarios, to do whatever the programmer wants them to do.

Your government are the MILAB criminals, they feel they have the right to do to you whatever they wish, even sending individuals to their death; realistic dying, and to train the Snapper, not to fear death, because they are special and they don’t have to worry about dying, and they’re always brought back.

Snappers are prepared for suggestions of any kinds, before they’re given their assignments, which they cannot say no to, or so your government thought, till they tried it on one, and he destroyed their whole base of operation.

In space, and in the duck blinds of the ETs, they’re laughing helplessly, not being able to stop, at human governments stupidity. They have realized now, that the Snapper, has to feel all right about doing what they order him to, so they spend hours, at first, training the Snapper in his mind, his bodymind or her bodymind, to commit to orders while  being fully aware, believing, this action is good for them, their families, their neighbors, their government and the CIA black ops, which wants to run this program, is one of them, sharing with homeland security,and other clandestine outfits, but someone else controls the whole operational wonderland.

The main outlaws, are not the CIA, but the Pentagon, who takes full of control over all MILAB activities, assignments and rewards. What rewards: sex, highs, and more. This entices the Snapper to want to work with them, and carry out his/her assignments to their fullest extent.

There is one special outfit within the MILAB activities, which are only for the best of the Snappers, and these Snips, are so good at their assignments, there is no doubt they will carry them out. This includes turning on other snips or snip.

Snips are trained in every kind of drama, lesson, experience, etc., the Outlaws, can come up with, including war games, in which, are played, for real. Any one who dies, heart stops beating, for a few second, so the Snips get the full pleasure out of the kill. The Snips are assassins, actors/actresses, sexual pleasure to those the Outlaws want info from, this include nakedness, sexual teachings, spankings/etc., more training, a like, within them, is given that, which will fulfill its want till its saited, then it reverts back to deadliness. No one messes with the Snips.

Above the Snips are the Sign offs, pure murder, on feet, with training far beyond any of the others; they’re hidden from all the others. They have their own special training facilites, own trainers, till there are no trainers, then they start training themselves, far beyond what any one in the world can know.

So, how do those under the Sign offs, the Snips and the Snappers, keep control of them. Inplants, death inplants, medical inplants, etc., so if they get out of line, they can bring them back by using one of the inplants, within each of them.

They found out that those who were kidnapees of the ETs, would not fight or kill one another. They tried to find away around this, until the Slash, told them to lay off, they weren’t going to be able to kill them, etc., period.

Now, we come to the Last Dance, this is where the Snips, Snaps and Snappers, are given free rein to do what they will, without any stops; they’ve been trained and modified by the ETs, to be able to survive in any kind of weather, environment, or planetary disaster.

All of this sounds like a sci-fi movie, it isn’t, though, if you could see all that goes into maintaining Snappers,Snips, and the sign[offs, you wouldn’t be able to believe your eyes.

I was, and may still be one, in one of these networks, I have inplants, etc., within me, to control what I do, and try to do. It doesn’t work, I’m growing.

May the Microcosmic Force be with you hear and now.

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