(c) Terry Floyd Johnson, 2017  ( Zoua;  the OutRyder )


ETs, who kidnap humans and other primitives ( their term, of dislike ), utilize virtual realities, sex machines, sex scenarios, free areas, where sex is allowed between anyone who wants to, not only coupling, but gang sex, among the husband and wives of the Primitives; if you have sex with someone, they automatically become your husband or wife. This occurred, mainly, at the request of women, so they didn’t feel like whores, sluts, etc., but in this case the males, were made to be feel like whores and sluts as well, so they all got together, and created the Extended Family Networks.

Along with pure sex machines, there are vr machines, where the observer, uses his bodymind within the vr scenarios, but his/her actual bodymind, is indeed having sex with a man or a woman.

ETs see Primitives, including humans, at top of the list, as animals, so they can have men have sex with men, women with women, children with children, and men/women having sex with children.

Along with the purely sexual reason, for having humans and other primitives experience this- it’s also psychological, sociological, political, rebellion, and so on, they study, as the Primitive lives a new life, within the virtual reality scenarios.

It’s here, where they placed in all primitives, a rhythm lock, which means a huge space within the primitives mind, bodymind, where they can place virtual reality programs, scenes, stories, and a huge aspect of it, to be a department, or area of the Great Library.

It’s here- where they set up vr scenes, so the primitive has to play it to win, and doing so, can come up with answers, of how to win a skirmish, or a total war to take over planets.

However, at the same time, networks of primitives, are placed in a room, and a vr scenario is presented to them, which they’re active participants, and have to figure out strategy to stay alive or they die.

Third, a network of aware, but telepathically controlled, primitives, are placed in a room, and a vr figure character, is placed at the head, to explain the problem, and asks for suggestions, how these problems can be bypassed, destroyed or transform, by the primitive defuse of its programming, etc..

Sonic vibrations, are used to make a hypnosis of a subject or subjects deep, and do, unquestionably; this is the hypnotic aspects/processes, which can be hypnotized, deeply, without any resentment, or battle over their freedom.

However, remember this, always, vr can only take you so far, your subjects, must be put into specific scenes, where it is real, and they see themselves firing, fighting in every form of fighting to win/kill/subject others.

Each game is planned out by master planners, and all of its real, subjects can actually die, and will be brought back, by ET futuristic instrumentation.

They do this on children, teens and young adults, to turn them into an ET character, which is placed on a character tree. This way, the ETs can call up the character, of anyone, at any time, and have them do the actual problem, by winning over the ETs targets.

What does all this mean….let me know your answers or knowledge!

May the Microcomsic Force be with you here and now!