# 2 Virtual Realities and ET Primitive Possession, by Character Tree

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(c) Terry Floyd Johnson, 2017  ( Zoua; the OutRyder )


The ETs create a virtual reality character tree, within the person being taken through an virtual reality experience. This tree contains new selfs, and new talents, abilities and skills, which are kept here until needed.

These are all kept in tact, and away from the primitive , who is possessed by them, through virtual reality scenarios, along with several different kind of hypnosis, which ends with the thing the primitive is most scared of- as the handle on the character tree, making it so the primitive doesn’t try to go into the character tree, and spoil its effectiveness.

Now. let’s digress, for a moment, we have talked about the Rhythms, which are found in every Universe, with it own unique Rhythm, of all that it is, and as the Universes are, so are each being within it. Each has/creates its own natural Rhythm, which cannot be changed, or transformed, unless what’s there is simply there, and open ended, so it can be transformed, by new Rhythmatic beats, which solidify into a new character, within the one already there. It’s the soul/spirit character, and the primitive character, the main one, is what it is. t canI only be contacted, not changed, but can be transformed by a new perception of itself, but it is still the same Rhythm, that makes them unique, from all other beings, energies, etc.

Rhythms, then, are the shape of what’s going on within the total being, and is the depth creative wholeness, keeping you, within Rhythms, which are beats and melodies, but each is shaped by the actions of the others. The guide and decider, among each Rhythm is- trust your feelings, and act in the only way you can act to be true to yourself, and any action you take.

Rhythms bring into light necessary actions, and acting in the only way you can act to be true to yourself.

What does this mean? You have to take total responsibility for everything your are, do, think about doing, thinking, and so on. You choose your actions, and thus, your actions show what’s going on within you.

This does not mean you are responsible, for your kidnapping by ETs/your own kind, your enemies/and enemies of your nation, etc.

In this true light, true necessity, we come to the Star Kings and Star Queens,  and their protectors Star Knights, and Star Rangers.

Each have their own uniqueness, and responsibilities, which they choose to take on; we thank them for that. They’re the Protectors of each Star in the Universe, and by doing do, are the Protectors of each planet with life on it.

However, this would mean there are billions of Star Royalty, but this isn’t the case, because of what is called- On your Honor, which means each star, and each planet, is on its honor, to tell the Star Royalty, if something is wrong within them. They have done this honorably for eons and more.

However, today, there is so much pollution, or fighting, or dying, etc., that the stars, planets are disgusted with their planetary folk, and have chosen to let them kill themselves, and unfortunately, the stars and the planets, as well, because of their narcissism, and greed, along with the drug of need of Power.

The Star Royalty cannot force them to let them know if they’re in trouble, for whatever reason. They’re deeply ashamed of their planetary folks actions, and now even more so, with the Universes at war.

This brings the Star Royalty into the picture; they’re beginning to handle all parties involved in the wars, etc., as well as, what’s going on in the Universe, and are doing it everywhere, except in the reality known as Jeopardy, not because it’s a dangerous area, but for just the opposite, no trouble is allowed to get out o hand, and is closed down, by action of Rowdies Rangers.

This area works hand and hand with Star Royalty, to keep the peace in the Universe, but even they, cannot stop all the violence, so they have to clean up areas of war, and put them back on the road to Peace.

They have been given the title of Peacekeepers; and they utilize Rhythms to bring this about. They are the masters of Rhythms, and they are the Microcosmic Force, the true Rhythm of this Universe and every Universe, just a little different, so it is unique.

They are now working to end the war between the ETs and the Primitives; the Primitives are quiet willing, but the Warlords of the ETs and others, aren’t.

The Star Royalty, has even been attacked by the Warirons, who lost, and was put on a planet where they can live peacefully.

The only problem with all of this is that the Star Royalty, is part of the problem, for they don’t take self-responsibility, for themselves, so they act in accordance not with their inner feeling, but Outside Rhythms, and Outside is only concerned with itself, and creation of greed, power, position, and winning.

Ergo, the Star Royalty can never win their charges over, for they’re part of the problem, but they can do so within the movement of repressing their own natural trust in their feelings, for trust in the idea of Peace, without the knowledge of how to gain true Peace, comes only when each being, acts in the only way they can act to be true to themselves.

This is the truth of the Microcosmic Force, true action/peace can only be true if comes out of the individual, and cannot be given or created  by outside means.

Do the Star Royalty do no good, and only compound the problem, no, for an individual must have a peaceful environment, to come to realize they’re totally responsible for themselves, and everything they do. This is the beginning of true Microcosmic Force doing and creation

May the Microcosmic Force be with you here and now!



# 2 Xdei

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(c) Terry Floyd Johnson, 2017  ( Zoua ) the OutRyder )


Thousands of Terrans are dying because of the manipulation of our environment, by the ETs. We, fools, are fighting between ourselves, with rhetorical words, threats and in North Korea, an insane dictator.

Nuclear energy, isn’t for personal gain, it’s to help people, in as many ways, as there are problems. Unfortunately, nuclear energy was/is created to fight, rather than, for peace.

In this sense, all of them have to go, electrical nuclear reactors, bombs, missiles, and so on.

Nuclear war has been the United States purpose, for itself, all along; and in our grand unification, we used a nuclear bomb first, then developed a hydrogen bomb, and utilized it to create ICBM missiles and others, using multi-loaded heads, to carry an array of bombs ( nuclear ), which will spin off of the central one, for a multi-task hit.

Death and Destruction are nations way of settling arguments, threats of force, invasion, and so on. Therefore every nation on the planet, must be brought to understand, death and destruction are not a way of peace, and a growth, issue, for those who develop it, use it, and barter it.

North Korea, of course, has to be the first one, to lose their nuclear missiles, bombs, as well as their biological warfare stock piles.

The same goes, for every nation on this planet, such as: United States, Russia, China, Iran, Japan, South Korea, England, and any others having nuclear war capabilities.

The new design, for the United States, and other nations, has been known, for many decades, now, is, the time, for all to begin.

New designs give rise to new opportunities, and the left behind, fills with the oceans, and drops over all several inches to the world’s oceans.

Peace is the new force to live by, for all Terrans, the world around.

A new design for opportunity and good lives and living is going to prevail, as Terrans, learn about their new way of life, they have only to learn/educate themselves about- feel, smell, and live their lives as each act is the only one they can do to be true to themselves.

We are the Xdei, transformed from the Jedi. Welcome to the future!

Spirit #2- Peace is an innerpath

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(c) Terry Floyd Johnson, 2015  ( Zoua; the OutRyder )

In the Outside, Peace is not peace, but an ending of conflict, and this is not Peace; it’s part of the military strategy.

True Peace is a quality, within you, in other words, it comes out from within you, and is one of the guiding qualities of your life.

Peace is a life choice, of whether to live by it, or not- choosing Outside rational, to be an ending of conflict.

Peace is a quality that can be worked on and be apart of who you are, to yourself, and others.

Peace within, is not a ending of conflict; Peace within, is a way of being, which helps in the coping with yourself, and your inner sight, which tells you, if you are in balance or not.

Peace is a way of dealing with the Outside, letting it be its rational/emotional turmoil, while you create peace within yourself, and act within it to act in the only way you can act to be true to yourself.

Peace then is a generator of trust your feelings, and acts in the only way you can act to be true to yourself.

Microcosmic Blessing on you here and now!

# 55 Success

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(c) Terry Floyd Johnson, 2015

Success is not the same for everyone, and that’s the secret of success, it’s what you want it to be.

There are many successes, from big to small, to microactions, all of it depends on what you see as being success, in your own life.

Success is not a word that describes one thing, and everyone, who reaches this goal, is now successful. What is the key to all successes, is that it’s what you believe it to be; you’re the kingpin, of what is success in your eyes, and all the information you find, on success, may or may not be what you feel success is.

Many cultures try to convince its citizens, that what the majority say success is, is what you ought to see it as, as well. This is poppycock, and is only a trick, those who know how to play the state game, want you to believe.It allows them to win, and you to lose, or at the least, you become a member of their success club, and the only way you can win, is by beating them at their own game.

This is the description, of the way of war, it’s where one set of peoples, see success, as their idea of strategic goals, and the other parties, don’t agree, and build their own success societies.

Each sees their success values and goals, as the only one that is right, so, they grow angry, at the other societies, for not following their strategic goals. They become militarized, in showing these other, less brilliant societies, how to become like them. If they don’t, they’re apparitions of a slap in the face, at the first’s, surety that their way is the only way to success.

The other society, disagrees with that, and this angers the first society, so they start posturing, in a way to let the other society know they’re better than they are, which eventually leads to conflict.

If the first society, is stronger, then they have an advantage, of superior numbers, but superior numbers, isn’t always the winner. Those who see military fighting as the way to expand their kingdoms, look to brilliant military leaders, to guide them in their war, with other societies. One, of course, is the Art of War, by Sun Tzu, which lays out how a king can turn his people into warriors and fighters, mostly by fear of the ruthlessness of the king, to kill, maim or destroy others around the party, giving him problems.

War is the stupidity of the human race, and as we have seen with the other races in the Universe, as well.

The Constellation, has been at war with Rowdies Rangers, for months, and they’re losing badly. However, they refuse to come to a peace table, and thus, their own pride is going to destroy them.

Rowdies Rangers are the best trained warriors in the Universe, and they have behind, and with them, Catseye, and Ghost, the best trainer of warriors, in the Universe.

However, Rowdies Rangers, simply want the Constellation to stop kidnapping races on planets, not as advance as they are, and stop, experimenting on them, for their own murderous reasons.

Rowdies Rangers, want them to stop, stealing from these same planets, and making them pay top dollar for goods they force them to take.

Rowdies Rangers, want peace, and do not want to destroy them, but if it becomes the only way to stop them, then they will find a way to end it, with the Constellation complete surrender.

In the above, we see, two different kinds of seeing the category of success; one defending, the other attacking, because of their sense of being better than all the other races.

Rowdies Rangers, want peace, and are willing to negotiate, to find an answer, that will allow both parties to win, but so far the Constellation, refuses to do this, because of their relentless search, for bodies, which are totally indestructible.

You are the one who says what success is to you, but be open, and sure enough, within yourself, to allow others the same right.

May the Microcosmic Force be with You!

# 42 Peace is an inner way

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(c) Terry Floyd Johnson, 2014


Peace is seen as a force best realized and understood in military, law enforcement, etc., where peace is a negotiated settlement, which isn’t peace, but a ceasement of violence.

Peace is an inner action, which must be found and brought out, and lived as a way of life, which guides you in the way to live your life, where you practice it- within and without.

Peace is the word to describe the temperment, and the methods of dealing with what is going on within yourself, and how you interact with the outside world.

Peace is best practiced in the company of authenticity, honesty, truth, loving, sharing, helping, caring, direct action, listening, reflecting, non-judgemental, non-verbal communication, and more.

Peace is an attitude, a choice, an understanding, a way, a light, a gift and a spiritual belief, which allows growth into higher and higher understanding, and beliefs, where we guide our lives to what we believe, and act in the only way we can act to be true to ourselves.

Peace is a joy, for it gives us understanding of others, allows us to avoid giving into our negative emotions and action, and allows us to act in the only way we can act to be true to ourselves.

Peace is the doorway to end violence, domestic violence, verbal violence, and any violence, or act which is done to hurt others. Be at peace- Don’t Worry- Be Happy; Peace is happiness.

May the Microcosmic Force Be With You!

# 37 The Awaken

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(c) Terry Floyd Johnson, 2014  ( Zoua )


Why are the rest of the Universes, dimensions, timers, etc., so worried about the Awaken; the Awaken are such that has never been seen before. They exist in a totally new reality, which is going to have conflict with the old reality, brought about and maintained by the Old Races, in all Universes, Dimensions, Directions, Experiences, Expressions, Realities, and so on.

What makes them so special: 1. energies denied the human race, and all living, and non-living living beings, are now ready to soak it up and be the Awaken, even if they don’t know about it, 2. it isn’t simply the new energies flowing into the Earth now, Cosmic Energies, but how they, within their bodyminds, will use it to become the Awaken.

Every living being upon the Earth will become the Awaken, and from there, will go out into the Universes, etc., and show others how to do it to. This is what scares the Old ones, new paradigms are opening up, where their power may not hold true, and they will fall to the Awaken.

Each living being/energy will utilize these new Cosmic/Beyond Energies in their own unique way; none will be exactly the same. This means there will be flare-ups, where certain energies are used to be doorways, to even more rewards, understandings, and doings.

No living being, will get more or be more, than any other; competition is a loss maker, and those who fall victim to it, shall lose their awareness, for theyre cutting themselves off from the total of who they are.

Yes, all the Awaken life Energies, talents, abilities, skills, and so much more, are regulated by the person themselves, and how open they are to their totalness.

The Awaken are healers, a force of nature to end wars, oppression, etc..

The Awaken are the Beyonders; the Beyonders go beyond what is known and walk the paths of the unknown, and discovering the not even thought of.

May the Microcosmic Force be with You and Yours!

Blessings the Miracle of Sharing and Believing

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(c) Terry Floyd Johnson, 2013

How do we do our spiritual work; what if we don’t feel we’re high in spiritual knowledge, and capabilities?

Everyone is high in spiritual beauty and capabilities, through, the simple joy of creating Microcosmic Force Blessings, and giving them out to those we wish to share with.

Here are the main blessings I work with:

Microcosmic Force Blessings

Microcosmic Blessings

Affirm Blessings

Microcosmic Blessings/Microcosmic Blessings:

Here we’re sharing the beauty, the knowledge, that you can make up Microcosmic Force Blessings, which fit you and what you want to accomplish.

Planetary Blessings ( on you ) or you can add Microcosmic Force to Planetary Blessings upon you. The same goes for all the rest we’re going to list here, and in other lists/posts.

Star Blessings

Spirit Blessings

Joy Blessings

Deep Love Blessings

Deep Peace Blessings

Family Love Blessings

Human Contact Blessings

Spirit Energy Blessings

Contented Blessings

Spirit Justice Blessings

Harmony Blessings

Harmonic Blessings

Spiritual Harmonics Blessings

Super Spirit Love Blessings

Friendship Blessings

Spirit Mate Blessings

Super I Believe Blessings

Love Self Blessings

Green Thumb Blessings

Super In Balance Blessings

Super Bliss Blessings

Super Innocence Blessings

Super Microcosmic Truth Blessings

Super High Self-Esteem Blessings

Super Microcosmic Action Blessings

Super Microcosmic Caring Blessings

Super Microcosmic Sharing Blessings

Super Microcosmic Self-Authority Blessings

Super Microcosmic Self-Authentic Blessings

Super Microcosmic Computer Blessings

Super Theoretical Physics Blessings

Super Automobile Blessings

Super Trucks Blessings

Super Bus Blessings

Super RV Blessings

Super Nomad Blessings

Super Shooting Star Blessings

Super Twinkling Star Blessings

Super Star Matter Blessings

We will create more later, but don’t be afraid to make up your own, special to you, and you want to give out to others, in doing so you are a Actioneer, of Peace and Harmony.

Gathering 2

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(c) Terry Floyd Johnson, 2013

The Microcosmic Force is not within us, but is outside of us, but the difference between Microcosmic Force Flow, and the Outside of external realities, is- our being flows with Microcosmic Force Individuality, but it harmonizes with all Microcosmic Force Wholes/Fulls, which the Microcosmic Force, which flows in all realities, universes, expressions, experiences, etc., is what allows life to live and play, within each of these.

You don’t have to be aware of the Microcosmic Force, to live within it, for your vibration, draws and interacts with the Microcosmic Force, without you having to have any idea it exists around you, or penetrates your bodymind.

We call the unexamined person, the Free. They live to their own ideas, and to their own idea of spirituality.

Jedi come from the Free, who learn about the Microcosmic Force, and want to learn the philosophy, the knowledge, the lifestyle, the beauty of the Microcosmic Force.

Jedi Enlightner is a spiritual guide of the Jedi, who learns how to help them help themselves, and is a practitioner of the Microcosmic Force, but whose path is dedicated to helping others find the peace and love- within the Microcosmic Force. Jedi Enlightners are the leaders of the fellowship, and are the bodymind of EnviroRadiance.

Jedi Knights are those who want to learn about themselves and the Microcosmic Force, and to help those, who are unable, at this experience, to help themselves.

May the Microcosmic Force be with You!