(c)  Terry Floyd Johnson, 2019  ( Zoua; the OutRyder )


This notice is to reveal what happened to me on Christmas morning, 2018, but also, what I have had to deal with for over fifty years.

I woke up Christmas morning, looking forward to a great day, and my favorite day of the year. Unfortunately, for me, instead of having a great morning, an attack occurred, of what seemed like every inplant, or etc., in my head.

To start with, I have had these inplants, and whatever else, aliens, and not so alien kidnappers, have put into my head, to control me, to make me have to deal with this noise, telling me and anyone, who wants to listen, that I have inplants in my head.

The first person, to be with me, when the inplant, etc., went off was with a dear friend, and a fellow UFO/psychic explorer, Doris W.

We were at their family’s dining room table talking, when some of the inplants went off, and at this time, I didn’t know others could hear these inplants, etc., I thought I was the only one who heard them, and fought their try at influence me. She was shocked, and asked how long I have had to deal with these kinds of attacks, I told her almost daily, not all day, but whenever the attacker decided to flip the switch to make the inplant go off.

I would like to say that I immediately countered their attack, but I did what I always do, snap my fingers to try to inhibit the sounds being put out by the inplants, etc. from doing whatever the attacker wants done.

She isn’t the only one who have heard them go off, other friends have heard them as well, when they happened to be with me, when the inplants, etc. went off in my head.

Anyway, it’s been fifty years, that I have had these little killjoys of freedom and total attack of trying to influence me in whatever it is, they want to produce in me, to make me do what they want, I DON’T THINK SO!

Anyway, I have never had an attack with so many going off at the same time, Christmas day- 2018, and the attacks continued all day. Not solid, but sportically.

The next day not one attack, but the second day, the attacks started again, showing these aren’t automatic timed attacks, but chosen, and turned on by someone or something doing it consciously and with determined malice.

These attacks are done to hurt, to keep me from going down a certain path of thinking and considering, and to keep me focus on protection from them, rather than being able to explore what I’m thinking about, until I feel done with it, for the moment, or it led down a multi-attack day,k where they go off as many times as the one switching them on wants them to go off.

This isn’t an isolated incident, but a military attack to keep me from doing something, just to keep me riled up, because they’re simply attacking for no reason, I know of, or they want to keep me busy till what I may have come up with, gets lost in my anger at being attacked.

These attacks can be anywhere, anytime, and whether alone or with others, the attackers don’t seem to care if they are heard or not. Whether those I don’t know hear anything, I don’t know, and to be honest I don’t care, I’m in a war for my freedom to be me, to do my own thinking and to live my life as I want, and I don’t give a damn about what others want me to do.

To my attackers, just remember, pay back is a bitch!