# Issue 1- Is Porno Evil?

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(c)  Terry Floyd Johnson, 2018  ( Zoua; the OutRyder )

In this sharing/gathering, we’re going to look at porno, is it good or bad, is it evil, are the triple X stars and starlets, immoral persons.

First, porno is not evil, nor is it bad, etc.. Porno is another avenue for women and men to be put on screen, seeing them, in actions with others.

The movie(s) are about sex, seeing naked bodyminds, at work, having sex with each other. Is this bad? Only to those who think sex is something to be hidden, to keep under wraps, and fear that the watcher, will get so absorb in porno, he/she won’t be able to function in life. Along with sex is for breeding/ women must not show their sexual natures, and so on.

Are they, both men and women, whores/sluts, etc., absolutely not, their behavior is for those who want to watch the lovemaking or sexual intimacy, performed by the porno stars and starlets.

We, now, have to make a distinction, between choosing to participate in the porno industry, or being forced to. One is a personal choice, and the other is a criminal act, which needs to be followed upon.

Human slavery, bondage, etc., is to be forbidden, anywhere in the world, but because we can’t force other countries or are own, to flush these criminals out, and put them on trial, this criminal activity goes on; we say outright, we are totally against any one male or female, not having their right to choose their own path, without others trying to butt into it.

Porno has its increasing of knowledge about the human bodymind, and seeing, private parts your significant may not want to share; here you can see female and male sexual parts, and how they work together to cause a semen cuming, outcome. Looking at these private areas, and how each handle the sexual activity, is entertaining, and at the same time, you can enjoy what you haven’t seen up to looking at porno, and how to have different kinds of sex.

Porno women are not whores, sluts, prostitutes, etc., they are working in a field, others within this society, see as not healthy, and threatening; a husband or boyfriend, might get so caught up in porno, they would leave their wives, etc., to follow and hook up with women and men who want to have sex, with or without payment.

If you or anyone you know has this fear, then, see if your relationship, is what you want it to be, and if it isn’t, share with each other, and get to know what the other is feeling.

Sex is apart of life, Americans, seem to think its only for reproduction, so by regulating it they control women; males, ever since the beginning, think men have the right to do anything they want with/to women, as they’re the superior sex- the superior sex doesn’t rape women, murder women, trying to get them out of jobs/ men could do, keep them in the home, don’t let them get better than the male members of her family, or her extended families, friends and so on.

Public sex is perfectly all right, if done, with the idea of doing it where it isn’t going to offend anyone, and done following the legal ordinances in the place they want to film, and have their film taking sexual antics.

Porno is a legitimate business, and those who participate in it, are wonderful persons, for their activity doesn’t define them, their own motivations, do, and we have to allow each of us to explore our world as we see fit.

The fantastic thing about these stars and starlets, they’re the center of a new race coming to the Earth- The Emergents.

They will be beautiful people, and will do great things.

May the Microcosmic Force be with you here and now.


#1 March for our lives

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(c)  Terry Floyd Johnson, 2018  ( Zoua; the OutRyder )


Today saw thousands of teenagers, adults and children walk the streets of major cities across the world. This was the March for our Lives! Teen lives are on the line; as perpetrators come into schools to kill children and young adults, from elementary schools to colleges and Universities.

Every time this has happened, nothing is done about making laws for gun control. The Congress will, hopefully, only the Republicans, won’t go against the NRA, to pass strict gun control, so they’re basically saying young lives, children, teenagers and college age students- lives don’t matter!!!!

They’re, also, saying its okay to have a shooting gallery operate as a school, so anyone who wants to do violence, who wants to be a copycat, can come into the schools and start shooting people.

Many of those who died, died at the hands of other children, who got guns from home, or wherever, and became so disenchanted, or angry, they came into their own schools and killed their classmates, teachers, etc..

Many other persons, from children to adults, are bringing guns or weapons to school, being copy cats of those who went before them, whether to be a gunperson, or to protect themselves, since the schools won’t, and the government won’t, so they’re taking their protection into their own hands.

Now, instead of gun control, our idiotic President wants to arm teachers, so they can go postal and shoot everyone in sight, and how are they going to be trained, how many reup trainings are they going to have, and so on.

The Constitution says we have the right to bear arms, and I am not disagreeing with this extremely important right Americans have, to stand up to a government gone power hungry, again simply look at our dolt of a President, who is showing, he is going to make a try to become a dictator, by wanting a military parade, congratulating the Chinese ruler, for now being ruler for life, and saying maybe our country could have that kind of action to, and other things showing, he is corrupted by Power, and wants to have it as long as he’s alive.

If we want American Democracy to stay, then we have to get rid of all the Republicans in Congress, and those Democrats, who work to add to their millions. We have to put in people, who care about the average american joe/joan. Millionaires have a hard time seeing the need of others who are working stiffs, as they’re called.

They have lost touch with reality, they’re only concerned with what is important to their wealth, and act as if they care about the average american.

Every Congress person in Congress, now, is a millionaire, and how do you feel that a millionaire, who wanted to come to Congress for Power, and to make even more money, and benefits for him/her self, is going to care about you, your family, friends and communities.

Now, a Congressperson, wants to give Congresspersons, a raise, while their are homeless across the nation, but they still want to line their pockets with American dollars, without any care, for those individuals and families living on the street, because Congress would rather fund wars, than give their own places to live and to work.

Those who voted fro Trump, which aren’t usual Republicans, are the ones most being hurt by his and the Republican majority base. I hope they enjoy how their vote is turning out, now they’re yelling, and screaming, they’re losing their only money coming in, and what are they going to do: 1. never vote for a Republican, they see themselves as owners, and all others as employees, and employees, are a cost, to cut whenever it can be done, for more profit for the owners, or the owners and stockholders.

America yes, Americans yes, Republicans no, Trump absolute no, and getting rid of all the Republicans, and those of the Democrats who act like them, but pretend they aren’t; we have to get them out of office, and out of taking hard earned money, from the people, to put it in their own pockets.

Be American! No more millionaires in office, who has not shown an acceptance, of working, for all people, not just their chosen few. including themselves.

I am a green, you must decide who you want in political offices across the country, the controls you put on the CIA, NSA, Military, and all the others who are draining the money away, for their own special causes, taking money away from you, your neighbor, your community, and your national communities, who are being taken to the cleaners, by representatives in Congress, who don’t have to worry about day to day expenses.

Step-up and say Never Again- will we vote for persons, who have no idea how to work to help all people, and just not themselves. Never Again, will we stand by and let them start wars, and continue wars for years, with no end in sight. Never again, will we stand by and allow men to disrespect women, to think they can touch them, grope them, bypass them, and more; they must learn to keep hands off, learn to respect women, and just as important- learn from them, listen to them.

Never Again-a war on women! Justice must stand in protection of women, and respect them, when they have been hurt, raped, etc., by not asking invasive questioning, but work within the framework of  the woman’s ability to recover. Women are Wonderful, and they’re not the secondary citizen males want to put them in, in this country and other countries, as well. This attitude toward women is an international, ongoing, event.

In some countries, not to be named, killing women is an appropriate action, when a family member feels she has disgrace the family, or a princess tries to leave a country, and she and the man she loves are killed by the king of the country, her grandfather. These events are not forgotten, justice will win in the end, and these men or their male children, who continue, this archaic look at women, shall pay the price, for this hereditary murdering of women, raping them, and so on.

An example of this is a friend, Judy Myers, who was kidnapped by police, on the crooked word of her husband, who lied to the court, saying he didn’t know her, but in reality, he was married her, he now wanted out of the situation, so he used his standing in the community and as an army ranger, to get the police to harass her, and put her in jail, for not being able to pay her bail, till a friend got the money to her.

For more on this please go to:


copy this, put into your url taskbar, and click on enter, to go to the site.

Microcosmic Force Blessings! Affirm Blessings! on every person on this planet, they get what they need, and they forward their blessing onto others across the world.

Microcosm Force Blessings on you, right here and now!


# 69 Who Is EnviroRadience for?

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(c) Terry Floyd Johnson, 2015  ( Zoua; the OutRyder _

This is a marketing question, all business have to go through, to find where to spend their funds, where to direct their advertisements, marketing plans, and so on.

EnviroRadience is for anyone who wishes to explore their spirituality; in this light, we have invited any and all pornstars, to come to our site, and read the weekly Gathering, and begin to explore their spirituality.

Another audience we want to reach out to is all nudists, and naturists, who want to expand on their love of being naked, as a spiritual path of wonder and enjoyment.

A third audience, is college students, and we  welcome them, to come to EnviroRadience and explore their spirituality, in reading our weekly Gatherings.

A fourth audience- is anyone, who wishes to start a new leaf in life, and want a spiritual direction in finding their way out of the life style they have now, to one, where spirituality is the most important aspect of their lives.

A fifth audience, is those children, who want to have a path, which allows them to explore their worlds, use their inherent talents, and build a great life for themselves.

A sixth audience, is males, who want to build their spirituality, and in doing so, respecting women and children, as a blessing, and not a curse. Domestic violence, drugs, violence as an occupation, and so on.

Freeing men, from expectations of what their roles in society are; especially as boyfriend, lover, husband, bread winner, and so on.

Expectations are the way to keep citizens in line with the general expectations, of what is expected of a man, in his relationships, his work, his sexuality, and so on.

The seventh audience is women, who have expectations on themselves, and others expect them to be a certain way, for their benefit, not the woman’s, birthing and raising of children, being the manager of children, and home, and wife to the person, who loves her, and wishes to have a full relationship with his wife, ergo, sexual activity is practiced, as well as love, guiding each, to find the beauty in each other.

The eighth audience is for those who have done things they wish they hadn’t, which has led to be a player on the street, in organizations, in violent organizations or gangs, and are especially manipulative toward women, children, and anyone they find they can manipulate to their advantage.

If you truly want to transform yourself, come weekly and read our Gatherings, spiritual messages; they are for all, who wish to know of their own spiritual worth.

Our ninth audience, is a welcome to those whistleblowers, and sharers of information, that governments, and business, and families don’t want to be known, so they can continue their criminal pursuits, their manipulations and so on. Whistleblowers are Heroes! They are what makes a country stay on its toes, and operate, as a trustworthy organization, and not a criminal one.

Governments have a duty to its citizens, to represent the best of its political structure, and in how it treats its citizens, who it’s formed to be a benefit to the populace. Most governments today are criminal operations, who use lies, deceit, set ups, and more to rule over their citizens, not work with them.

The tenth audience are the disbelievers, in their own spirituality, and look to  logic, thinking, and rule of justice, which means who ever in power, decides what power and justice are, and who it represents and who it doesn’t.

The eleventh audience are contactees and abductees; what you experience is real, and to help you deal with this trauma, to build your spiritual insights, and learn how to work with the hypnoblocks put into you, so you won’t remember what happens to you, when you are kidnapped by ETs, and the military of this world.

We believe you; you were kidnapped, and are part of an ET long term interaction with humans, to look for those who might stand against them, to utilize gene matching to bring about the birth of a new race to help them defend themselves, against any threat humans might pose for them, and others who might want to go to war with them.

The Way of the Jedi, Jedi Knights, and Dream Dancers, is the path of Microcosmic Harmony, within each person, and to have them be able to walk a spiritual path of their own making.

May the Microcosmic Force be with you here and now!

Super Hero List

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Wilhelm Reich

Alexander Lowen

Alexander ( Alexander Technique )

Carl Jung

Carl Rogers

Will Rogers


Socrates ( began spying on ets, and learning all we could about everything they have )

Alexander the Great ( turned our spying into a military operation )




Jacquline Kennedy

Caroline Kennedy

Joe Dimmick

Ed Parker

Robert Culp

Martin Luther King

Colonel Corso

David Corso

John Lennon

Yoko Ono


Lenardo De Vinci


Regis Philbin

Rachal Ray

Oprah Winfrey

Gale King

Wendy Williams

Brigette Bardot

Bob Dylan

BB King


Vincent Van Gogh

Robert Heinlein

Frank Herbert

Zenna Henderson

Tom Baker

David McCallum

Robert Vaughn

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Eleanor Roosevelt

Audie Murphy

Winston Churchill

Carlos Castenada

Edgar Cayce

Edith Gable

N. Gable

Louis L’Amour

Zane Grey