(c)  Terry Floyd Johnson, 2012  ( Zoua; the OutRyder )


In the beginning, there was no beginning for the Cosmic Illusion, was too stark, to over dramatic, too violent like, to uncaring, and so on.

The Prime is a Real, meaning end of the line, the macho decision maker, the big boss, and so on; the Prime is not happy with his Cosmic Dream, it’s too, let’s just say it, to dank, to toned to go to violence as a way of transforming colors and energies within the Great Cosmic Dream ( it’s actually Great Cosmic Dreams, there is more than one Universe dream ), and letting other Reals go into these Cosmic Illusions, would not be good for them, or for anyone else.

The Prime is not known for slow decisions, so he moves to bring more mellowness, more hippieness, more love, more doing what is right, and right up the rightness energy way.

The question is how to put enough of Rightness energy into the Universe, where it will balance with the more ambiguous not so right, or the more angry near rightness, which knows it near rightness, but it isn’t there.

The Prime decides to create a spirit, and energy, standing for Rightness, Love, Beauty, Companions, Joy, Happiness, Giving, Sharing, Caring, and who would be epitomized in any area of the Universe, with an energy holding and giving out all these great Rightnesses.

The Prime put the Rightness Energy Force, with its home ground to be, anywhere, within the Universe, and those who believe in the Rightness, will become the Peace Pioneer.

The names might not be the same, nor how the Peace Pioneer looks in regard to other Peace Pioneer, but they are Rightness and Love, and utilize different means to transform the hearts of men and women, but most of all the children, who have a grace, to know it, when they see it, and they truly feel it.

The Prime named this Rightness Wholesome, and Rightness is Wholesome, and any acts of Rightness is Wholesome, so each Rightness act doesn’t go away, but builds the Rightness and the Peace of being in balance with the Cosmic Illusion energies used to create the Physical Universe.

The Prime now allows the Cosmic Illusions to go forth and become Reality and each Reality, has its Universes, each Universe has its balancer or balancers. In the Sol system of the Milky Way the Peace Pioneer is Santa Claus, and Santa Claus is the most important Real Energy in the Universe, ergo the Cosmic Illusion, in this solar system and on this planet. He is the Symbol of love, sharing, caring, gifting, and much more, especially always working for Peace, thus true balance throughout the Cosmic Illusion, to the Universe.

All over the Cosmic Illusion, the Universes, are Peace Pioneers, creating strong ebbs of living energy, showing what is possible when Love is at the bottom of all actions, creating the beautiful dawn, the day, the setting sun, and the darkness- each and everyone of the aspects of the day, create the Rightness. This is brought home to whatever you do, live, see and rest, or everyone loses their balances and slips into levels of dankness, created not by the darkness, but by that which is in it, thus darkness is not evil, it is evil in that which moves in the darkness, which creates the dankness others feel, as evil, scary, deadly, murderous and much more.

The Dankness blinds itself, to the beauty of the colors of trueness: red, blue, green, yellow and crystal white; there would be no color if not for Microcosmic Force Crystal White Light, for all color comes from it, even the color black.

The color of Rightness is Microcosmic Force Crystal White; it in its natural, spiritual state, transforms anything that comes near it, for it can only have its balance near it.

Rightness is alive and well in each and every Universe; Microcosmic Force Crystal White Light is the epitome of Love, Joy, and Determination, to choose to always create and live Microcosmic Force Crystal White Light- actions, beliefs, trueness, balancing, and more.

May the Microcosmic Force be with you Here and Now!