(c)  Terry Floyd Johnson, 2019  ( Zoua; the OutRyder )


We’ve said, we’re a bodymind, a single being, a single source, a single acting being, a single acting and doing person, but are we simply these and nothing else.

The humanists would say yes, you are simply body and mind, and that’s all there is to any human, animal, etc.

Western philosophy idolizes thinking, and reason, to come up with the best ways of living, and interacting with societies as wholes, and particular cultural individuality that shows up in different cultures, so no culture is exactly like another.

Christians believe their lives were given to them by a God, Early Greeks thought gods created everything, and were in charge of living rightfully.

Buddhists believe to be in harmony, you must train yourself and your body to look for answers, within yourself, but under the guise of Buddha as the life giver, or the way to learn about your inner self.

Bodymind scenarios see each person as a single bodymind, there are no parts in an individual being/person, thus whatever you do you must consciousally accept and act from this truism- you are a whole being/person/acting in the fullness of single being, with no parts. Thus when you do spiritual work, you don’t see yourself as a collection of parts, but as a single whole, and everything you do is done as a single orgasm whole, with no parts.

However, there are other aspects of this single wholeness, that are a working aspect of it, and not just physical, mental or spiritual- and that is soul ( which you transform back into spirit, in your journey to total Microcosmic Force Wholeness.

Next comes the spirit, the overdeveloper of the life this particular being is going to have when they reincarnate, and as we’ve said before, unfortunately, when the spirit does this creative designing of this person’s life plan, they do so with rose colored glasses, so they make the life plan as if the human person, etc., is just as highly skilled, as the spirit itself, which it isn’t, so the spirit puts in plenty of action, possibilities of death scenes, and even more, where the person is having to work through problems, some of them life-threatening.

There are more aspects of the total you, but these we will look at later.

You are a single organism, full, whole and whatever you do- you do as a single whole, working to bring about whatever it is you’re wanting to become real.

Microcosmic Force Blessings right here and now!