(c) Terry Floyd Johnson, 2016  ( Zoua; the OutRyder )


Man/woman problems are old as the ancient ages; where men were over women, because they hunted, and put their lives on the line.

Women were seen as lower than men, and were seen as second to men, and then, the male children. They showed their subservience to the chief of the group, by taking care of the children, the food, the sexual appetites of the men, skin the kills, fed the men first, and stayed in line in the order of authority, where the chief’s woman was over the rest of the women, so this can be said to be the first pecking order, found in groups.

Men throughout the ages, have seen women as lower than they, and even lower than the children they bear. However, they know they have power over women, by threatening their children, threaten her or her children with continual violence ( especially when the man uses drugs and alcohol ), and force her to be subservient to his manhood.

Today, even among the superstars of film and tv, women are paid less than men, even if they bring in the dollars, from the audience loving the movie.

This is true throughout societies, women are less than men, so they can be paid less, for they have to keep food on the table for the children, and her man.

The man sees himself as king of the family; his wife is there to serve him, and do what he orders her to,. this is found in every level of men and women interactions.

Men see women as simply sexual objects, and they talk about them as if they were all whores, etc.. This is true of men who look at porn, then call the women whores, but simply see the naked men as being stallions, because they can please, so many women.

This sexual putdown is found in spiritual organizations, not all, but many, where a woman cannot be a priest, minister, rabbi, etc.. Yet they are the most devoted to the spirit of the church/etc., they go to.

Men have no problem in killing women, because she turned on him, her king, her reason for being, and makes him look like a fool, so the only way he can make her pay, is to kill her, rape her or etc.. Men murder women, torment them, and expect them to do as they say.

Man and woman problems start here, on how the man or the woman look at their opposite sex- if they see only a bully, then that is how the relations go, where the woman is supposed to be subservient to any man.

The auntoritarian family ( Wilhelm Reich ) continues this fallacy, making the man the leader of the pack, and the woman and her children vassals to do what is ordered from him, the male superior being.

All of this is a crock, in EnviroRadience, women are equal to men, in whatever they choose to do:

  1. They are equal to men, and a man needs to respect a woman, to be able to live in a non-chavenistic relationship, family, and individual spiritual paths
  2. Women are to respect men, if they wan respect  in return
  3. Men and women must listen to one another, and not try to overspeak them, when they are saying something
  4. A man and a woman, must live their lives, in how they see fit, no one has the right to tell them how to live their lives.
  5. Men are to be respectful and listen to what a woman wants in a sexual situation, the man needs to be aware the woman needs to be romanced, and not taken like she didn’t matter, only her bodymind, and her vagina, the man wanted just to be able to get off, and not show any love at all
  6. Woman are to respect men, and not use their femininity to say whatever they want to a man, for if a man feels disrespected, his way of handling it, is violence
  7. Women are Jedi, Jedi Knights, Dream Dancers, and star guides to those who live in the truth of their vision of Microcosmic Force Necessity Truth
  8. Men have to stop, thinking that the woman is only for their pleasure, and they don’t have to do anything to make the woman feel wanted, this is a man’s control over her, he doesn’t care what a woman needs inside and outside of the bedroom, and every woman has the right of a man stopping, when she says no. If the man continues, and forces his will or way on her, whether a husband, boyfriend, friend, etc., that is rape-, or forcing her to be who she isn’t, and not respecting her will, so that is a criminal act as well.
  9. In the work place women are to be respected and treated as a co-worker/boss/teammate/etc.
  10.  Men must keep their hands and their voices respectful at all times, sexual harassment is criminal, so men don’t do it
  11. A man, a woman have psychic, telepathic spiritual talents and abilites and skills, to their openness to explore their own being, none are stronger than the others, but this can be seen to be so, by those who want power, without the ability to use that power/energy wisely

May the Microcosmic Force be with your here and now!
