(c) Terry Floyd Johnson, 2022 ( Zoua; the OutRyder; StarMane; WayLIght Love Listener )

We look to our mind to decide to do something, which may be the right choice for you or not; your mind uses logic, association, history, ideas about the subject that’s already known, what others say and more.

Unfortunately this makes the individual crazy trying to make a decision by drawing from all these sources, and even then, they can choose wrong, because of their psychological fitness at the time of choice. How emotional you are by what you are making a decision on.

What environments you have been in lately or presently can influence your decision for good or bad; listening to others can influence you, music can influence you, beauty can influence you and more.

We can see the mind with all this information going on, can easily make the wrong decision, or the right decision for self, but not for others around you, or who are persuasive but hand out misinformation. or are sophists who can argue any side of a conflict.

The aware individual knows that the only way to make a wise decision is to trust their feelings, and act in the only way they can to be true to themselves.

What you truly want for yourself is what you need to work on bringing into you. Use your- trust your feelings and act in the only way you can act to be true to yourself.

The opposite of a true want, is a like about something, you like the idea, etc., but not enough to make it a want, a true want. You can use likes to see things you’re interested in, but in deciding to get something, or do something for yourself or for/with others to be true yourself, trust your feelings, and act in the only way you can act to be true to yourself.

Don’t use the slapping the board with different ideas about what you like, then allow that to make your decision, Many times this will be the wrong decision. Trust your feelings, and act in the only way you can act to be true to yourself.

May the Microcosmic Force be with you here and now!