(c) Terry Floyd Johnson, 2022 ( Zoua; the OutRyder; StarMane; the WayLight Listener

To start off- what are non-leadership networks: these are networks where there is no set leader, when decisions are made the network makes them, or the one with the most experience in the area involved, will explain the process and then the network will decide on the best decision for the network.

What if they can’t come to a decision, and its an emergency, the network at its forming, will make the decisions for what is to be done in emergencies, it can be a single individual, with the backing of the majority of the network, or it can be a network within the larger network.

The next problem to be solved is how to maintain powerbases with other networks, while fulfilling this network’s business and living, while seeing how the two networks can mesh or not. If not, they become twin stars circling around the matter which brought them together, and they share when the networks agree to each network helping the other, or individuals within each network.

The idea behind non-leadership, where each person within the network share their experiences, and put down what they are expert in doing. If there is more than one idea when a problem arises, then the network will list all ideas and say which one is favorable to them.

In case of immediate emergencies, an emergency tech will be chosen to head up the emergency counterattack, when its under control, then the network for that particular emergency takes over, if it’s safe to do so.

What if there’s a disagreement among any network on what to do, then a Rover will come and arbitrate the disagreement, and the arbitrator decision is final, unless proven wrong by circumstance, proof of rightness, or new information is forth coming, then the arbitrator can change, amend or throw out his or her previous decisions.

Non-leadership networks are always open to re-imagining previous thoughts, decisions, and work done, but the new proof must be approved by a majority of the network.

May the Microcosmic Force be with you, right here and now!