(c) Terry Floyd Johnson, 2021 ( Zoua; the OutRyder; StarMane; the WayLight LIstener )

Why should we do good, with no strings attached:

  1. It helps others, and by doing this we help ourselves, and create an avenue to realize our true selves
  2. It can cause others to do the same thing, thus creating a wave of goodness that those who participate in, and those who see it can be influence to do acts of goodness themselves
  3. Goodness in your heart, create goodness in your action and in your truth.
  4. Goodness doesn’t fight upsetness, it doesn’t have to, upsetness breaks down by the goodness around it
  5. Goodness is you, and you don”t have to create it- it is you
  6. Act in the only way you can act to be true to yourself
  7. Practice goodness/be goodness
  8. Live your life your here and now in the brilliance of doing good for others, and do good for yourself
  9. Watch the acts of goodness others do, and learn from their goodness, thus everyone is a teacher
  10. When a person is blinded by their own misery, doing good, is giving them Microcosmic Force Blessings ( and Affirm Blessings if it feel right to do so )
  11. The world is filled with goodness, but you have to open your eyes, your heart and your spirit to see and feel it
  12. Blessings are the generators of goodness, in a simple act of giving what is the best for the person as they can accept it
  13. Ergo, giving blessings to yourself, is you giving the best for you by enlightening your goodness
  14. Love is filled with goodness, allow nothing else to blemish that
  15. Goodness can be an act of a single person, etc., or a team, or a community, etc.
  16. Goodness is sharing your creativity with others and learning from theirs, as well.
  17. Loving and positive music is filled with the feeling of goodness and dance is that being guided by your inner goodness to express itself- AuthenticityBeauty, Brilliance, Sharing, Caring, Being, Here and now, are Goodness expressions and generators, as well

May the Microcosmic Force Blessings be with you, right here and now!