(c)  Terry Floyd Johnson, 2018  ( Zoua; the OutRyder )


One of the great things about living life to the max, is finding and utilizing your talents, abilities and skills, both normal, and paranormal. Today we’re going to look at mundane ones, which can give great satisfaction, or cause anyone to wonder if they’re on the wrong track to success.

What mundane ones you ask? I’m glad you ask that question, we’re going to look at creative ones, which can be done for fun, for helping one self get out of quandries, or putting yourself in one, to find what you want to create today.

Creative talents, abilities and skills, give you Total Blessings, of ways to make your life more fun, more exciting and more on track. Creativity has many paths, for a person, to walk through.

Don’t be afraid to try out a new creative ability or skill, which you’ve heard about, and sounds fun and interesting. Find out all you can about it, where you can experience it for yourself, and if you take friends, they can decide for themselves, whether to try i,t too, or not.

There is a definite difference between your creative talents, abilities and skills, and challenging yourself to do physical/mental/spiritual challenges, which gives you a taste for dangerous adventures, or doing that which is dangerous, but the ones helping you with facing this challenge, has made it as safe as it can be. There is always unbridled danger in any challenge.

We aren’t here today to look at the many challenges around, for you to go and do, if it feels right, do it- no, were here, to help you find your creative talents, and how do we do this, by: meditation, research, gathering necessary materials, etc., information, about a creative talent, ability and/or skill, which you can learn to do; to give your life an exciting and prosperous experience of learning and doing a new creative outlet.

Here are some creative talents, abilities and skills, you might want to try out- writing, art, playing an instrument, or more than one, dancing professional and amateur, making art yourself, painting a picture, songwriting, news reporting, both field and TV- giving out the news, sculpture, acting, playwriting, technical writing, drawing, sketching, guitar playing, banjo playing, make instruments and play them, speaking, singing, mixing materials and coming up with something new and different, making shadow figures, play games-non-competitive games, presentations, book learning and utilizing it in your own unique, useful way, and more, to discover in this big, beautiful natural world.

The main idea here, is you have talents, abilities and skills, you may or may not know you have, experience creative ways and living, which allow you to find out if you like the creative way it is expressing.

Every talent, ability and skill you have, you find, you experience it, and decide to continue to do, is a- Planetary Blessing, upon you, your life and everything you are involved in, happily.

Art, studying the methods, techniques found and understood, and much more.

This whole experience is to introduce you to look and find things that interest you, no matter your age, and go and do it, DO IT, YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE, ( sorry to Dr. who, and other long running TV programs; be yourself, allow yourself to have fun, to discover what there is to discover about this feel-good experiencing of the Microcosmic Force kind.

You are given the focus of a few creative talents, abilities and skills, with more lurking in the back, waiting to be brought out into the greatness of the day, don’t be afraid, try out new experiences, new creative experiences, enjoying others creative output, and allowing the whole experience to flow around you, through you, and making a home in your life, your bodymind, and your joy of living.

May the Microcosmic Force, be with you, right here and now!