(c)  Terry Floyd Johnson, 2019  ( Zoua; the OutRyder; StarMane; Lightway Listener )



Life, many times, can throw you a curve, a disaster, a grief, etc., and make your life like a living disaster, but if you focus only on what is negative in your life, going on in your life, happening to you or to loved ones, or not going your the way you want it to go, learn/practice focusing on the Positive/Positive Goodness in your life.

What do you do? You focus on the Positive, and you strengthen it with Microcosmic Force Blessings or/and Affirm Blessings and/or Positive Goodness Blessings, or make up your own. Blessings are Blessings, as long as they come from your heart, your spirituality or your whole being, no matter what name you give theBlessings, and you put them out in positive love/unconditional love; you are acting in Positive Goodness.

What is an example of a positive goodness- Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, 4th of July, Thanksgiving, Xmas, love between family members/friends/external family members/strangers and more.

Remember this is looking at the positive goodness of looking at the positive in your life and all around you. Santa Claus is a positive goodness and is as real as spiritual and wholesome human love, the love parents have for their children, children for their parents, and animals- for their heartlove, so Santa Claus is real, by any definition. Thus, you in your wishing love and appreciation for Xmas, Easter, July 4th ( or whatever day your country expresses their delight at being where your at, thanksgiving- all are real, have real purpose, bring wonderment, joy, satisfaction, love and all the positive feelings anyone can know and express.

Positive Goodness is all the good and loving acts that anyone, or any being of goodness who practice positive acts of kindness/cheer/holiday spirit/ and more can do and put out into the wonder of life, freedom and happiness..

Microcosmic Force Blessings on you, right here and now!